Amirhossein Darbandi
PhD Student
MEB 225
40 Research Place NW
Calgary, AB T2L 1Y6
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology (2019)
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Payame Noor University (2016)
Amirhossein Darbandi's research involves the Carbon Fibre Grand Challenge project, which aims to accelerate the development of large-scale production of carbon fibre from bitumen-derived asphaltenes and facilitate their use in manufactured products. Bitumen is found in Alberta's oil sands, which are one of the most considerable hydrocarbon resources.
Prior to joining the lab, Amirhossein has taught Computer-Aided Design software, including SOLIDWORKS and CATIA, for more than five years and has expertise in 3D modelling of complex parts through reverse engineering of geometry. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on composite materials and has published several papers in this field. One of them is improving composite-composite joints subjected to different load types through z-pinning. In addition, he excels at analyzing a wide range of problems in the field of solid mechanics using Finite Element Analysis Software like Abaqus.