Editorial Mistakes and Reference Updates
Li LP, Soulhat J, Buschmann MD and Shirazi-Adl A (1999). Nonlinear analysis of cartilage in unconfined ramp compression using a fibril reinforced poroelastic model. Clinical Biomechanics 14, 673-682.
- Fig.9(b), Page 680: the unit of the stress should be kPa instead of Pa.
- Appendix A, Page 681, the line above Equation (8): Eq.(A.1) should be Eq.(6)
- Update of Reference [26]: 73:595-608
Li LP, Buschmann MD and Shirazi-Adl A (2003). Strain-rate dependent stiffness of articular cartilage in unconfined compression.
ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 125, 161-168.
- Line 4, last paragraph, 2nd column on Page 165:
- 0.05%/s should be 0.5%/s. (Erratum: Vol.125, p.566)
Gu KB and Li LP (2011). A human knee joint model considering fluid pressure and fiber orientation in cartilages and menisci. Medical Engineering & Physics 33(4), 497-503.
Figure 1, Legends: Menisci should be Meniscus.
Li LP and Gu KB (2011). Reconsideration on the use of elastic models to predict the instantaneous load response of the knee joint. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 225(9), 888-896.
Fig. 6: the solid line does not show up in some pdf files. Please use the original file from the link above.