Aly Samji


Aly Samji is a 3rd year business student at the University of Calgary with aspirations to eventually pursue a future in law. Aly is currently serving as one of two student-at-large sente representatives on the University of Calgary Senate.

Over the course of the past few years, Aly has developed into a passionate advocate for underrepresented and marginalized groups, with a particular focus and emphasis on mental health. In the past few years, Aly has had the honour to serve as an ambassador and then Vice-President Student Life of the Haskayne Students Association, the Vice-President Operations and Finance of the Business Pride Club, a Co-founder and Co-chair of the Strategic Center Initiatives – Student Advisory Board, and has just completed his term as one of the Haskayne Representative Counsellors on the 78th Students Union - Student Legislative Council. 

Perhaps his most significant contribution to the University of Calgary community is his work in establishing the University of Calgary Wellness Society. As both Co-founder and current President of this organization, Aly has received quality money funding approval and is working with external platform developer Wellness World to bring fresh, new, and effective mental health resources to students. 

Aly has a love for food and whenever he has the opportunity you can find him in the kitchen cooking or baking and developing wild new recipes! Aly also has a love of spending quality time with family and friends.

Aly is very excited to represent student interests as a student representative and is very eager to contribute to the Senate.