Michael Bosdet


After obtaining a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Calgary in 2008 Michael transitioned into a world of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development with TSGI Corporation, where he currently serves as President.  Michael has a passion for the integration and communication of science and technology in the community, and actively seeks ways to bridge gaps and support entrepreneurs, including volunteering with the Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurship, the University of Calgary Energy New Ventures Forum, the University of Alberta DiscoveryLab series, and the University of Calgary Innovation4Health Health Hack competition.  He also serves as a judge for the Global Energy Awards and the International Coiled Tubing Association Innovation Award. 

Michael is an accomplished writer and public speaker, and has won awards for post-secondary teaching and research.  He is a past instructor at Mount Royal University, a contributing author to energy industry and technology publications, has served as an invited speaker for several industry and academic organizations throughout Alberta.

Beyond connections in the business and academic community, Michael also looks forward to inspiring conversations every year while judging at the Calgary Youth Science Fair.