Shangnong Hu
PhD Candidate
Biocomputing Group
MSc - Bioinformatics
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2018
BSc - Life Sciences
Université Pierre et Marie-Curie Paris 6, 2016
Contact information
: BI410
Research focus
- Data visualization
- 3D development
- Visual analytics
Graduate Teaching Assistant
- BCEM 577 – Biomolecular simulation
- Fall 2022
- Winter 2020
- BIOL 607.84 – Machine Learning with Python for Biology
- Spring 2020 (volunteering)
- BCEM 393 – Introduction to biochemistry
- Winter 2021
- DATA 621 – Advanced Statistical Modelling
- Winter 2022
- Lamrayah, M., Charriaud, F., Hu, S., Megy, S., Terreux, R. and Verrier, B., 2019. Molecular modelling of TLR agonist Pam3CSK4 entrapment in PLA nanoparticles as a tool to explain loading efficiency and functionality. International journal of pharmaceutics, 568, p.118569.
- Cino, E.A., Borbuliak, M., Hu, S. and Tieleman, D.P., 2021. Lipid distributions and transleaflet cholesterol migration near heterogeneous surfaces in asymmetric bilayers. Faraday Discussions, 232, pp.103-113.
- MacCallum, J.L., Hu, S., Lenz, S., Souza, P.C., Corradi, V. and Tieleman, D.P., 2023. An implementation of the Martini coarse-grained force field in OpenMM. Biophysical Journal.