Airway Disease Models


The research group has the capacity to conduct studies at all levels from cell cultures to clinical trials.  Model systems include:

In vitro Models: cultures and co-cultures

Cell lines:

  • A variety of human bronchial and alveolar epithelial cell lines are available including: BEAS-2B, 16-HBE, HBE-1 and A549.
  • Primary cultures (from normal human lungs):
    • Epithelium: can be grown in submersion culture or at air-liquid interface
    • Airway and tissue Fibroblasts
    • Airway Smooth muscle cells (SMCs)
    • "Lung on a chip" models with several cell types on a single chip.
  • Group members also have experience with a variety of other cell types, including macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, eosinophils and mast cells.

Animal Models

Mouse models of:

  • Allergen challenge (Both Ovalbumin & House Dust Mite models)
  • Germ-free and gnotobiotic mouse models to study effects of the microbiome/mycobiome in asthma.
  • SR antigen model of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Farmer's lung). Have expertise in fibrosis in this model.
  • Acute Lung Injury


Human Studies

There are full facilities for nasal and pulmonary provocation studies, bronchoscopy (lavage/brushing/biopsy), sputum induction, pulmonary function (spirometry & plethysmography), exhaled nitric oxide measurements and exercise testing.

Capacities include:

  • Allergen challenge - lung/nose
  • Exercise
  • Experimental rhinovirus infections
  • Studies in asthmatics and patients with COPD
  • Interventional bronchoscopy