Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Undergraduate Aerospace Minor
Enroll in the Aerospace Minor to learn more about aerospace analysis and design. You will learn about the basics of aircraft performance and have an introductory understanding to avionics in modern aerospace vehicle systems.
Pursuing the aerospace minor allows me to make connections and learn valuable skills which will help me navigate the rest of my degree through the eyes of an aerospace engineer. I hope that this minor will propel me to my future career goals, involving spacecraft and space exploration.

May Chan
Third Year Student, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
As an aerospace engineering student you will learn about aircraft design, expand your knowledge of computer programming, and experiment with sensors, instrumentation, and avionics. Aerospace classes focus on computing; instrumentation, sensors, and interfacing; aerospace analysis and design; and avionics system design. Paired with mechanical, electrical, geomatics, or software engineering, you will be pursuing your chosen major with the mindset of an aerospace engineer.
If you are considering a career in research, aerospace, and defense, or the design and application of drone technology, this program is for you.
Read more about the Aerospace Minor here
ENAE 410
Aerospace Engineering 410 - Aerospace Analysis and Design
This course focuses on the basics of aircraft performance. Students will develop fundamental knowledge, and as a team, design and build their own remotely piloted aircraft, and gain hands on experience.
ENAE 411
Aerospace Engineering 411 - Avionics and System Design
This course is an introduction to avionics (aviation electronics) in modern aerospace vehicle systems. Students will attain a broad understanding of flight instrumentation, computer control of aircraft, flight control algorithms and system-level analysis.
Depending on your chosen major, the number of additional courses and which courses you take will vary. Along with the two aerospace engineering courses required for all students in the minor, a portion of the aerospace minor also consists of technical electives.
Research Opportunities
Wanting to do more? Seek our research themes to find an area of interest or the network page to find a supervisor to work with. As well, undergraduate research awards are available such as the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) or Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) to help fund your undergraduate research work
Graduate Programs in Aerospace
Complete your Master's or PhD with a focus on aerospace! At the University of Calgary, we have 9 graduate courses to offer, all relevant to aerospace. As well, we have many supervisors working under various research themes that are accepting graduate student applications. Start today and find your supervisor! Reach out to them and include your CV, your most recent unofficial transcript, a one page cover letter explaining your interest, and your English language test results (if applicable).
Relevant Aerospace Courses
ENME 603
Mechanical Engineering 603 - Physical Fluid Dynamics
A study of the physical phenomena of incompressible fluid motion for a variety of flows. Also includes high and low Reynolds number flows, and the derivation of basic equations of fluid mechanics using Cartesian tensor notation.
ENME 605
Mechanical Engineering 605 - Combustion Processes
Review of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics of combustion to build towards a higher understanding of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, ignition, and various other combustion phenomena.
ENME 607
Mechanical Engineering 607 - Mechanics of Compressible Flow
One dimensional steady and unsteady motion, two dimensional flow and waves in two dimensions, and a study of the Small Perturbation Theory.
ENME 619.61
Mechanical Engineering 619.61 - Special Topics in Aerospace Reaction Engines
An introduction and analysis to propulsion systems for aerospace vehicles. Evaluation of air-breathing and rocket engine performance through analysis of individual components. A comparison of designs will be achieved through the computation of performance parameters. Advanced propulsion systems involving combined-cycle designs will also be introduced. In-depth analysis of the reaction engines will be undertaken using numerical tools such as chemical equilibrium solvers and computational fluid dynamics.
ENME 639
Mechanical Engineering 639 - Numerical Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
A review of solution techniques for ordinary differential equations. Also involving the study of several numerical methods for implementation in gas and computational fluid dynamics.
ENME 647
Mechanical Engineering 647 - Finite Element Method
One- and multi-dimensional problems in linear and steady heat conduction and elasticity. Emphasis on: strong and weak formulation of the boundary value problems (BVP) and their approximation through different methods.
ENME 670
Mechanical Engineering 670 - Aerodynamics
Kinematics and dynamics of viscous and inviscid flow, and airfoil dynamics. Boundary layer theory and boundary layer control as applied in aerodynamics. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and experimental aerodynamics.
ENME 672
Mechanical Engineering 672 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
Topics include: finite volume and finite element approximations, overview of turbulence models, time-marching schemes, methods to solve system of linear equations, grid generation and adaptation, and post-processing of the solution using VisIt and ParaView. Also includes an introduction to parallel computing.
ENME 708
Mechanical Engineering 708 - Turbulence
An overview of turbulence in incompressible flows of Newtonian fluids. Topics include: the nature of turbulence, classical methods of analysis, the concept of scales, a review of isotropic and homogeneous turbulence, and the energy cascade and the role of vorticity in turbulence canonical flows.