Programme Updates

Planning Degree Programme

The Planning Program was again accredited by the Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners. The Program works closely with the Profession and wishes to acknowledge the support that it received from the previous chair of the Practice Review Committee, Nancy Marshall. Nancy, an EVDS graduate, is off to Australia to pursue PhD studies. We wish Nancy the best of luck. The new chair is Ron Wrigley, another EVDS graduate, and we look forward to working with Ron who is already active in our teaching program

The Program has finished its assessment of the delivery of its redesigned curriculum. In concert with alumni as well as the Profession changes have been made and we look forward to another successful year. Please call Tom Harper at 220-3629 for further information on the new curriculum. We wish to thank Brenda Naylor for her hard work on the curriculum redesign process.

The Canadian Association of Planning Students (CAPS) will be meeting in Calgary and Banff in February 1998.

Doug Webster returns from S.E. Asia for the Winter 1998 term. Doug continues his work with Thai government in the summer and fall.

Brenda Naylor will be with us on a half-time basis in 1997 - 1998.

Lauren Johnson of City of Calgary Planning and Building Department will be visiting professor of urban design for 1997-98.

A number of planning students are in Barcelona for the Fall term.

Richard Levy and Tom Harper are sharing the new Planning Degree Program Coordinator role for 1997-98.

Walter Jamieson continues to serve as the President of the Association of Canadian University Planning Programs.

Theresa Baxter was recently awarded tenure by President Terry White.

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