Fall Graduates


Mark Anthony Giovanetto: In Search of Beauty and Perfection: A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic.

Keesa Erin Hutchinson: HOME IS WHERE THE FAX IS: Living and Working Within the Home.

Barney Randall Michalchuk: Queer Space: The Tom of Finland Museum & Archive.

Michael Johannes Van Bakel: Dancing with the Wind: Architecture for Silent Flight.

Hong Yan: YEARNING TO MEET: The West Gateway Design for Beijing Television City (Phase I), Beijing, China.

Environmental Science

Jenny Earle: A Population Study of Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) In Marvel Lake, Banff National Park, With Implications For Management.

Jenny Lynn Feick: Mountain Town with A Vision: A Case Study In Sustainable

Community Development in Revelstoke, British Columbia.

George Ludwig Hegmann: Implementing Cumulative Effects Assessments.

Marianne Jean Middelveen: Parachutes: Presentation of an Educational Novel.

John Thomas Oliver: Energy Resource Management in Lake Louise, Alberta.

Charles Christopher Sheffield Ryley: Corporate Environmental Policy Statements.

Adrienne Lynne Schipperus: Environmental Reporting. Helga Mary Shield: Assessment and Remediation of Earthen Pits: A Framework for the Alberta Oil and Gas Industry.

Brent Warren Sprecher: Scientific Studies and Their Application to Policy Development in Canada.

Carole Andree Weaver: The Design of an Environmental Management System for an Agricultural Organization.

Jack Lukasz Wierzchowski: An Evaluation of Prescribed Burning Programme in Banff National Park and Application of Remote Sensing in Assessing Effects of Prescribed Burning.

Robert Wolfe: An Interpretive Plan and Site Plan for the Canmore Flats Natural Area.

Industrial Design

Denis Paul Heidenreich: An Improved Product for the Rehabilitation of the Lower Extremity Joints.

Ralf Reynard Nielsen: Technology and Sustainability: A Conceptual Exploration Through Design.


Kristi Jean Kempf Beunder: Rural Planning: A Perspective From Practice. Tara Lynne Clapp: Framing First Nations Housing Policy.

Fergus Tyler Maclaren: The French Colonial Quarter in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Preservation Approach.

Larissa Ruth Muller: Community-Based Urban Environmental Management: An Assessment of a Pilot Programme in Bangkok, Thailand.

Craig Townsend: People, Culture and Behaviour in the Bangkok Urban Region: Liabilities or Assets for Transportation Planning?

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