Sunday, April 28 to Wednesday, May 1, 1996. Calgary, Alberta

EVDS is 25 years old in 1996. The Faculty is organizing a reunion and conference which will take a quick look back and a long look forward into the practice and pedagogy of environmental design professions.

Call for Papers and Design Exhibits

Abstracts and Design Descriptions are due February 1, 1996.

We are looking for exhibits and papers addressing:

  • significant advances in your profession;
  • the factors and forces causing change in your environmental design practice;
  • what these changes imply for the Faculty's policy and curriculum; or
  • appropriate and effective responses to downsizing in our fields.

The proceedings will be published.


To register for this conference and alumni reunion, please write a letter with the following information:

  • name
  • title
  • EVDS programme/year
  • company
  • street address
  • telephone and fax numbers
  • e-mail address

Please indicate if you are interested in:

  • attending
  • presenting
  • exhibiting
  • being a corporate sponsor
  • editing proceedings
  • further information about...

As well, please indicate if you are interested in volunteering as a:

  • social event organizer
  • host for billets or transportation
  • student participant

The registration fee will be CDN$75.- (CDN$35.- for students). Please make cheques payable to The University of Calgary and send with your completed form to:

Faculty of Environmental Design
The University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary AB T2N 1N4

image (above right) is a conceptual sketch by Tony Gellion (ID) for part of the EVDS exhibiiton space at the 25th Anniversary Reunion.

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