Health and Safety Meeting Resources

In addition to incorporating health and safety as a regular agenda item at faculty/departmental/unit meetings, including safety moments at the beginning of your meetings provide a quick and easy way to discuss safety issues or topics. Safety Moments are brief discussions on a safety-related topic. These two-to-three minute talks reinforce safety knowledge and promote a positive safety culture. To assist the university community, we are building this as a repository of safety moment topics.

  1. Asbestos Management

    Published - 2022.06.01

  2. Biosafety Program

    Published - 2022.06.01

  3. Characteristics of A Safety Leader

    Published - 2022.06.01

  4. Contractor Safety Program

    Published - 2022.06.01

  5. Controlled Goods Program

    Published - 2022.06.01

  6. Joint Worksite Health and Safety Committee

    Published - 2022.06.01

  7. Laboratory Safety

    Published - 2022.06.01

  8. Non-virus Related Health and Safety Impacts

    Published - 2022.06.01

  9. Swedish Switchover

    Published - 2022.06.01

  10. Updates to the OHS Act

    Published - 2022.06.01

  11. Winter Slip, Trip Fall Prevention

    Published - 2022.06.01

  12. Use of Checklists as an Administrative Control

    Published - 2022.07.07

Meeting Minute Templates

The following meeting minute templates have been developed to guide managers and supervisors document their meetings. The templates may be used as they are or may be modified to meet the specific needs of the faculty/department/unit. Meeting minutes are to be retained in the OHSMS Department Manual under Health and Safety Committee and Records for a minimum of three years.

Template One


Template Two


Template Three


Hazard Alerts

Hazard Alerts are an informational safety tool developed by EHS to document and share hazards across the university. The alerts are designed to capture real incidents, root causes, and provide recommendations to prevent recurrences.

University-wide Hazard Alerts

Back Strain Injuries

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Navigating Safely Around Campus

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Reporting Near Misses

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Slip on Spilled Ice

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Elevating Work Platforms

Learn more

Laboratory Hazard Alerts

Refer to Hazard Alerts on the Lab Safety Program website.