Most formal courses in Marine Science are offered at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre that is owned by the Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society. The Centre is situated in Bamfield on the Pacific Coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. Instructors are drawn generally from the staffs of the participating universities (University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria).
Each full course will last six weeks (plus four days travelling time) with an average of 50 hours weekly of lectures, laboratories, tutorials and field trips.
Fall Program: The Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society offers an integrated program of courses in Marine Biology at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. Attendance at the program requires residence at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre for an entire Fall Term. Details are available from the Department of Biological Sciences.
University of Calgary students must apply to and be accepted by the Centre before they are permitted to register for the Marine Science courses at the University of Calgary. For further information students should consult the Department of Biological Sciences.
†Numbers in parentheses are the course numbers listed by the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre. In many cases these courses have been renumbered to fulfill University of Calgary requirements.
For more information about these courses, see the Department of Biological Sciences