For more information about these courses, see the Department of Computer Science: ucalgary.ca/cpsc.
Registration in all courses requires admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security or the Graduate Certificate in Software Security, or the approval of the Department of Computer Science.
Information Security
Applied Cryptography
The basics of cryptographic algorithms and protocols including encryption and authentication algorithms and key establishment protocols. Security evaluation in computational and information theoretic settings, and attacks on cryptographic applications and systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security.
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Information Security
Network Security
Review of cryptographic algorithms and protocols used in network security. Network security protocols. Network security architecture. Web and Internet security. Wireless security. Approaches and tools for network intrusion detection and prevention. Traffic analysis and privacy enhancing systems. Applications of artificial intelligence and data analytics. Network system virtualization.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security.
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Information Security
System and Application Security
Operating systems security. Software vulnerabilities and their exploits. Malware. Computer system virtualization. Application-level security. Access control models. Identity and access management.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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Information Security
Ethical Hacking Laboratory
Offensive security, including technical and social methods. Legal and ethical frameworks as well as best practices. Automation and tool use, and defensive techniques.
Course Hours:
3 units; (1-3-2T)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security.
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Information Security
Software Security Laboratory
Practices and tools for preventing vulnerabilities in the software development life cycle, including threat modelling, secure coding idioms and secure design patterns, static analyzers for detecting vulnerabilities, fuzzing and other quality assurance practices.
Course Hours:
3 units; (1-3-2T)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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Information Security
Mobile and Smart Device Security Laboratory
Security architecture of common smartphone platforms and Internet-of-Things environments. Selected topics on threat modelling, penetration testing, and security-aware design for smartphones, home automation, wearables, vehicles and industrial control systems.
Course Hours:
3 units; (1-3-2T)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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Information Security
Governance and Risk Management
Information security strategy and its alignment with business goals. Business cases for information security investment. Legal and regulatory requirements. Roles and responsibilities in information security management. Security risk assessment and management.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security or the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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Information Security
Policies, Standards and Programs
Development of security policies. Policy compliance and enforcement. Policy considerations for social engineering and insider attacks. Information security standards. Security awareness and training programs. Privacy policies and compliance. Privacy Impact Assessment.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security or the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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Information Security
Incident Management and Forensics
Design and implementation of process for identifying, analyzing and responding to information security incidents. Computer forensics. Organization and management of the incident response and forensics team. Tools and best practices.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Admission to the Graduate Certificate in Network Security or the Graduate Certificate in Software Security.
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