For more information about these courses, see the Biomedical Engineering program:
Graduate Courses
Biomedical Engineering600
Biomedical Engineering Foundations
An introduction to core concepts of Biomedical Engineering including an introduction to biomedical engineering fundamentals. Course allows students to select between a biology focused or an engineering focused fundamental module to complement previous course work (with approval of course instructor). Course Hours:3 units; (4-0) Also known as:(formerly Biomedical Engineering 611/612/613/614)
Topics may include an introduction to a) biomedical engineering research, research integrity and ethics, b) career paths and progression in biomedical engineering and c) oral research communication skills.
Course Hours:3 units; (2-0) Antirequisite(s):Credit for Biomedical Engineering 602 and either 605 or 607 will not be allowed.
Also known as:(formerly Biomedical Engineering 611/612/613/614) NOT INCLUDED IN GPA
Topics may include an introduction to a) research methodology, including experimental design and b) written research communication skills in biomedical engineering, and c) preparation and review of research proposals. Satisfactory completion of this course within one year of first registration will ensure that the Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Research Proposal requirements are met. Course Hours:3 units; (2-0) Antirequisite(s):Credit for Biomedical Engineering 604 and either 605 or 607 will not be allowed.
Also known as:(formerly Biomedical Engineering 611/612/613/614) NOT INCLUDED IN GPA
Advanced instruction on human skeletal structure, types of connective tissues, structure of joints, muscle and organ structure and function, cardiac physiology, blood properties and flow, introduction to autonomous nervous system, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Other topics will be covered dependent on the interests of the instructor and students. Course Hours:3 units; (3-3/2)
Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT