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Faculty of Graduate Studies General Information
Graduate Students' Association (GSA)
Academic Schedule
Faculty of Graduate Studies Degrees Information
Awards and Financial Assistance for Graduate Students
Tuition and General Fees
Academic Regulations
D.1 Registration
D.1.1 Course Selection and Registration
D.1.2 Auditing Courses
D.1.3 Continuous Registration
D.1.4 Course Withdrawal
D.1.5 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program
D.2 Transfer Credit
D.3 Student Status
D.4 Program Transfers
D.5 Withdrawals
D.6 Time Limits
D.7 Leave of Absence
E. Combined Degrees
F. Interdisciplinary Degrees
G. Internships
H. Academic Standing
I. Language
J. Supervision
K. Candidacy
L. Theses
M. Thesis Examinations
N. Graduation
O. Appeals
P. Statement of Intellectual Honesty
Q. Statement on Principles of Conduct
R. Student Misconduct
S. Integrity in Scholarly Activity
T. Sexual Harassment
U. Statement of Support for Persons with Life Threatening Communicable Illnesses
V. Vacation
Program Descriptions
Interdisciplinary Specializations
Courses of Instruction
Student and Campus Services
About the University of Calgary
Graduate Studies Calendar 2018-2019 Academic Regulations D.1 Registration D.1.5 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program
D.1.5 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program

A student in a thesis-based or a course-based program may request to take a course that is extra to their degree program. Extra-to-program courses will not count toward the current graduate degree, but students should be aware that they will be included in all grade point average calculations on the transcript.

Registration in any course is subject to departmental approval. For information on fees, see Fees and Expenses.