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Fees and Expenses
C.1 Fees
C.2 Tuition Fees
C.3 Program-Specific Fees
C.4 General Fees
C.5 Transfers between Course-based and Thesis-based Master’s Programs
C.6 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program
C.7 Fee Adjustments and Refunds
C.8 Payment and Collection of Fees
C.9 Delinquent Student Accounts
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2016-2017 Fees and Expenses C.5 Transfers between Course-based and Thesis-based Master’s Programs
C.5 Transfers between Course-based and Thesis-based Master’s Programs

A student transferring from a thesis-based route to a course-based route within a program will be assessed according to the tuition policy for course-based programs from the first term of registration in the course-based program.

A student who has completed 15 units (2.5 full-course equivalents) or fewer in a course-based route will be assessed full fees for one year from the date of transfer to a thesis route within the program. Annual continuing fees will be assessed for subsequent years. A student who has completed 18 units (3.0 full-course equivalents) or more in a course-based route will be assessed annual continuing fees from the date of transfer into a thesis-based route within the program.