Instruction offered by members of the Department of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Science.
Department Head - R.M.R. Barclay
Undergraduate Courses
Only when appropriate to a student’s program may graduate credit be received for courses numbered 500-599.
Zoology 567
Animal Behaviour
Offered from an evolutionary and ecological perspective. Development of ethological ideas; interaction of genotype and environment in ontogeny of behaviour; role of behaviour in dealing with environmental challenges. Course Hours:H(3-3) Prerequisite(s):Biology 313 and one of Biology 371, Ecology 429, Zoology 375, 377 or 477.
Antirequisite(s):Credit for both Zoology 567 and Marine Science 546 will not be allowed. Notes:Offered during even-odd dated academic years. Enrolment in this course may be limited.
Evolutionary trends in the major groups of vertebrates from both neontological and palaeontological viewpoints. The interpretation of palaeontological data and their applicability to our understanding of evolution, systematics and palaeoecology.
571.01 Dinosaurs, Birds and Mammals.
571.02 Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles.
Course Hours:H(3-2) Prerequisite(s):Zoology 377. Antirequisite(s):Credit for Zoology 571 and either of Zoology 571.01 or 571.02 will not be allowed. Notes:Prior completion of Zoology 477.01 or 477.02, and Geology 201 or 209 are strongly recommended. Courses can be taken in either order. Zoology 571.01 is offered during odd-even dated academic years. Zoology 571.02 is offered during even-odd dated academic years.
A detailed examination of the evolution, morphology, physiology, ecology and behaviour of mammals. Course Hours:H(3-3) Prerequisite(s):Biology 313 and Zoology 477.01 or consent of the Department. Notes:Offered during even-odd dated academic years. Limited amounts of non-scheduled class time involvement. Enrolment in this course may be limited.
An overview of the biology of birds, including their evolution, morphology, ecology and behaviour. The course will emphasize the influence that being a flying homeotherm has had on almost every aspect of avian biology. Course Hours:H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Biology 313 and Zoology 477.01. Notes:Offered during odd-even dated academic years.
Examination of the nervous and muscular systems of selected invertebrate animals spanning phyla from the Protozoa to the Echinodermata. Material will be selected that relates the behaviour to the nervous and muscular systems unique to each group. Specializations unique to various groups will be examined as well as the increasing complexity at various levels of organization. Instructional format includes lectures and student seminars. Course Hours:H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Zoology 461. Antirequisite(s):Credit for both Zoology 595 and Neuroscience 541 will not be allowed.
General and molecular aspects of endocrine physiology. Topics will include the mechanisms of hormone action (receptor occupancy and transduction of signal), current techniques in endocrinology, synthesis and release of hormones, and the functional role of different endocrine organs. Lectures will include examples from lower vertebrates and invertebrates to emphasize comparative aspects. Course Hours:H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Zoology 463.
The principles of endocrinology will be provided through the lecture component of Zoology 597, and this will be augmented with additional reading, term papers and seminars in comparative endocrinology. Course Hours:H(3-1T) Prerequisite(s):Zoology 463. Antirequisite(s):Credit for both Zoology 697 and 597 will not be allowed.