4.10 Major Violations are actions by a University of Calgary Student or Student group which endanger the safety and/or security of another individual or the University of Calgary community, or that contravene municipal, provincial or federal law. Major violations include, but are not limited to:
a) contravening the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Act and/or the University Alcohol Policy
b) possessing, using, exchanging, manufacturing or selling illegal drugs
c) possessing, storing, using or misusing any firearm, weapon, hazardous material or explosive substance
d) damage or destruction of property (over $500.00)
e) failure to comply with the direction of a Campus Security Officer or University official in the legitimate pursuit of his/her duties
f) hazing
g) sexual assault or sexual misconduct
h) fraud, including misuse of Student ID card or furnishing false information
i) vandalism, tampering, defacing or damaging property that is not one’s own
j) stealing or possessing property that is not one’s own without permission of the owner
k) engaging in disruptive behaviour that involves substantial disorder and/or disruption to the operation of the University
l) engaging in physical actions which may be considered to endanger the safety of, be considered intimidating by, and/or be considered physically abusive by the victim
m) engaging in intimidating, threatening and/or offensive verbal or non-verbal behaviour or communication toward an individual or group
n) tampering with fire and/or emergency equipment
o) setting unauthorized fire(s)
p) unauthorized use of University facilities and/or equipment
q) trespassing or attempting to fraudulently gain entry on University property
r) publicly displaying and/or making pornographic material available anywhere on the University campus
s) failing to follow prescribed risk management procedures