The Minor in History and Philosophy of Science is aimed in the first instance at students in the BSc Programs in the Faculty of Science, the Schulich School of Engineering, the Cumming School of Medicine, and the Faculty of Arts. This Minor complements disciplinary studies in the sciences with the study of the historical and philosophical background and foundation of the sciences.
The Minor in the History and Philosophy of Science is regulated by the section of the Faculty of Arts Graduation Requirements entitled 3.3.3 Minor Programs.
Students must complete a minimum of 30 units to a maximum of 36 units from Courses Constituting the Field of the History and Philosophy of Science, while fulfilling the following requirements:
1. History of Science: 6 units from History 372, 476, 493.38, 493.39, 541, Neuroscience 421.
2. Philosophy of Science: 6 units from Philosophy 367, 467, 517, 565, 567.
3. An additional 18 units, with at least 3 units at the 400 level or above.