1. Bachelor degree, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma gowns: black gown with full sleeves with a full, fluted yoke as specified by the North American Intercollegiate Code.
2. Masters, Post-Masters Certificate and Post-Masters Diploma: black gown, fluted with a pleated front and masters slit sleeves with long dropped cuff. As specified by the North American Intercollegiate Code.
3. Doctorate gowns: Doctor of Philosophy gowns (PhD) is doctors' scarlet in colour with a gold yoke. The trim on the sleeves and front panels is of blue silk. Professional Doctorate gown (e.g. EdD, DBA, etc.,) is black with generous fluting across the back and shoulders. It is made with fully lined sleeves and three bars on the arms, scarlet in colour, trimmed in gold and a matching scarlet trim on the lapel.
Post-Doctoral Certificate and Post-Doctoral Diploma wear the gown associated with their initial doctoral degree.
4. Honorary Doctorate gowns are gold with a red velvet yoke. Trim on inside and outside of sleeves and the front panels is red velvet.