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School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Student Advising
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.4.1 BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.4.2 BA Honours Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.4.3 BSc in Anthropology
4.4.4 BSc Honours Anthropology
4.4.5 Minor in Anthropology
4.4.6 BA in Archaeology
4.4.7 BA Honours Archaeology
4.4.8 BSc in Archaeology
4.4.9 BSc Honours Archaeology
4.4.10 Minor in Archaeology
4.4.11 BA in Development Studies
4.4.12 BA Honours in Development Studies
4.4.13 Minor in Development Studies
4.4.14 Minor in African Studies
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics
4.7 Art
4.8 Art History
4.9 Canadian Studies
4.10 Chinese
4.11 Classics and Religion
4.12 Communication, Media and Film
4.13 Creative and Performing Arts
4.14 Dance
4.15 Development Studies
4.16 Drama
4.17 Earth Science
4.18 East Asian Language Studies
4.19 East Asian Studies
4.20 Economics
4.21 English
4.22 Film Studies
4.23 French
4.24 Geography
4.25 German
4.26 Greek
4.27 Greek and Roman Studies
4.28 History
4.29 History and Philosophy of Science
4.30 Indigenous Studies
4.31 International Indigenous Studies
4.32 International Relations
4.33 Italian Studies
4.34 Japanese
4.35 Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
4.36 Latin
4.37 Latin American Studies
4.38 Law and Society
4.39 Linguistics
4.40 Linguistics and Language
4.41 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.42 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.43 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.44 Music
4.45 Philosophy
4.46 Political Science
4.47 Psychology
4.48 Religious Studies
4.49 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.50 Russian
4.52 Sociology
4.53 South Asian Studies
4.54 Spanish
4.55 Urban Studies
4.56 Visual Studies
4.57 Women's Studies
5. Administration
Cumming School of Medicine
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Werklund School of Education
Embedded Certificates
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Summary of Changes for 2020/21 Calendar
University of Calgary Calendar 2020-2021 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
Overview of Programs and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Social and Cultural Anthropology

BA Honours in Social and Cultural Anthropology

BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Social and Cultural Anthropology with Co-operative Education

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Anthropology

BSc Honours in Anthropology

BSc in Anthropology with Co-operative Education

BSc Honours in Anthropology with Co-operative Education

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Archaeology

BA Honours in Archaeology

BA in Archaeology with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Archaeology with Co-operative Education

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Archaeology

BSc Honours in Archaeology

BSc in Archaeology with Co-operative Education

BSc Honours in Archaeology with Co-operative Education

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Development Studies

BA in Development Studies with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Development Studies

BA Honours in Development Studies with Co-operative Education

Concurrent BA in Development Studies and Bachelor of Education

Note: Minors are offered in African Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, and Development Studies. 


The Department of Anthropology and Archaeology offers instruction in African Studies, Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Social and Cultural Anthropology, and Development Studies.

The Department of Anthropology and Archaeology takes a comparative, cross-cultural, and cross-species perspective to understand human beings. Anthropologists and archaeologists consider how humans evolved, how they shape—and are shaped by—their culture, and seek to understand the records they have left behind. Students are encouraged to take one of the field schools to gain hands-on experience.

Students wishing to emphasize the social sciences and humanities in their Anthropology or Archaeology program should register for the BA degree. Those wishing to emphasize the natural and biological sciences should register for the BSc degree. It is recommended that first-year students in any of these programs register in Anthropology 201, 203, and Archaeology 201.

Archaeology: Archaeology courses address the development of complexity, paleopathology, ethnoarchaeology, lithic technology, geoarchaeology, human osteology, zooarchaeology, human-environment interaction, and cultural heritage management. Laboratory-based courses emphasize a hands-on approach to learning analytical techniques. Geographic areas include North and South America, Mesoamerica, North Africa, and the Arctic.

Biological Anthropology: The BSc in Anthropology (also known as physical anthropology) includes courses in paleoanthropology and bioanthropology, which investigate the origins of our species, variation, and adaptation in modern human populations, and the behaviour and ecology of other primate species. Laboratory-based courses examine casts of fossils from the earliest primates through to modern humans, and also human and primate genetics.

Social and Cultural Anthropology: The BA in Anthropology focuses on social and cultural anthropology and adopts a cross-cultural perspective. Courses seek to foster an understanding and appreciation of the wide variety of cultures in the world and provide critical insights into how people actually live and how they negotiate the challenges created by globalization.

Development Studies: The Development Studies program is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide students with an understanding of the issues, policies, and practices associated with sustainable global and community development in the context of both Canada and internationally. Courses examine social, economic, environmental, and political change as well as issues of poverty, hunger, social justice, colonialism, participatory development, cultural beliefs, human rights, and governance. Students gain practical skills for designing, implementing, and effectively managing community development projects which prepares them for further studies as well as employment in governmental, non-governmental, and other international development-related fields in Canada and abroad.

African Studies: The Department offers a minor in African Studies.

Contact Information

Location: Earth Sciences 620

Phone: 403.220.6516

Fax: 403.284.5467



For Program Advice

Students should consult a program advisor in the Arts Students’ Centre for information and advice on their overall program requirements. Advising contact information can be found online:

For more specific advice regarding course selection and requirements in the major field, students should consult the Undergraduate Program Director located in the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology (consult Department website for contact information).

Admission to the Major

Prospective students wishing to enter the BA (Social and Cultural Anthropology, or Archaeology), the BA (Development Studies), or the BSc (Anthropology or Archaeology) Program must meet the criteria listed in section A.5 Undergraduate Admission Requirements of this Calendar.

Admission to Honours

Honours programs in Anthropology, Archaeology and Development Studies offer senior students the opportunity to participate in more inquiry-based studies than those undertaken by Majors. Entrance occurs after completion of at least 75 units. The Anthropology and Archaeology Honours programs both permit students to select either an Honours BA, or an Honours BSc.

The Faculty of Arts procedures for Admission to Honours established in section 3.3.2 Honours Degrees are applicable and provide the overall framework. Students wishing to apply to an Honours program must apply through their Student Centre for a change of program to Honours by February 1.

Courses Constituting the Field of Anthropology
Courses Constituting the Field of Archaeology