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University of Calgary Calendar 2019-2020 Faculty of Kinesiology 3. Faculty Regulations 3.2 Registration
3.2 Registration
Accuracy of Registration

All students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration and for arranging their course selections to satisfy graduation requirements.

Course Load

Faculty of Kinesiology students are permitted to enrol in 15 units in each of the Fall and Winter academic terms. It should be stressed that extra courses represent substantial burdens and may negatively impact overall performance. Opportunities for accelerated progress exist through courses offered in Spring and Summer Intersession.

A student wishing to complete more than the normal load of 15 units per Fall or Winter Term must receive special permission from the Kinesiology Advising Office. Permission will not be granted for the admission term.

Interruption of Program Leading to a Degree

Students who interrupt their degree program in the Faculty of Kinesiology are advised that after an absence of one calendar year (twelve consecutive months) from academic study at the University of Calgary, they may be required to comply with any regulation and curriculum change that may have come into effect. Students who do not attend the University of Calgary for two or more years (twenty-four consecutive months or greater) will be required to apply for admission and meet all admission requirements and deadlines for the year to which they apply.

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions

No more than 60 units completed at other institutions or in a previously completed University of Calgary degree may be used as transfer of credit in the degree.

Students must have obtained a minimum grade of "D" or its equivalent in courses proposed for transfer of credit. Grades obtained in transfer courses may be used in the computation of grade point averages for graduation purposes at the discretion of the Faculty.

A maximum of 27 units of Kinesiology Core courses (listed under 4. Program Details) may be transferred from other institutions. The Faculty reserves the right to determine any student's sequence of courses; credit for a course will not be awarded unless the prerequisite for that course (as listed in the Calendar) has been completed with a minimum grade of "C-".

Prior to registering for courses at a school outside the University of Calgary, students must submit a Letter of Permission request, via their Student Centre and receive approval. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a Faculty advisor prior to submitting their request.

It is the responsibility of the student to provide full details of the courses proposed for transfer credit at the time of application. It is also the responsibility of the student to ensure that upon completion of the courses an official transcript is forwarded to the Admissions Office of this University in order that the appropriate credit may be officially recorded.

Duration of Degree

All course work used towards a Kinesiology degree must be completed within 10 calendar years from the time of first registration in the Faculty and includes transfer credit from external institutions.

Courses Bearing a Prerequisite

A student must obtain a minimum grade of "C-" in a prerequisite course to be eligible for the subsequent course.

Withdrawal from Courses

A student may withdraw from any course via the student registration system by the deadline as specified in the Academic Schedule. Before withdrawing from any course, it is strongly recommended a student seek advice from the instructor and the Advising Office.

Students wishing to withdraw completely from the University should refer to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from a particular course. Students will be required to withdraw from the Faculty once they have accumulated 30 units of withdrawals while in attendance at the University of Calgary.

Repetition of Courses

A student may repeat a course previously attempted (excluding withdrawals) only once. To repeat a course more than once requires the permission of the faculty in which the student is registered and the department offering the course. Permission is granted only under exceptional circumstances.

Taking or repeating a course that is a prerequisite for a higher level course after having completed the higher level course with a grade of "C-" or better will be allowed only with the permission of both the faculty in which the student is registered and the department offering the course.


Grades will be assigned per the Evaluation Component(s) and the Grading Scale stated in the course outline. In the event a student request of Deferral of Final Examination or Deferral of Term Work is approved, the student will receive a grade of Grade Pending (GP) during the deferral period.

In the event that the deferred final examination or term work is not completed, the grade will be based on the course work completed to date.

Non-Kinesiology Student Registration

Students not admitted to the Faculty of Kinesiology, who have completed 30 units of Kinesiology courses (transfer or offered by the Faculty of Kinesiology), will be restricted from registration in additional Kinesiology courses.