Instruction offered by members of the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures in the Faculty of Arts.
Languages, Literatures and Cultures601
Additional Language Pedagogy
An introduction to the field of second language teaching and learning with a historical overview of the field. Presents concepts from the related fields of applied linguistics, psychology and education. Students will have the opportunity to observe university language courses, analyze language textbooks, and develop a statement of teaching philosophy. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the LLAC graduate program.
An overview of theory and research methods with a focus on empirical research in the field of applied linguistics. Students will read and critique recent studies, develop research questions, and explore ways in which to answer their questions. They will be introduced to research information sources, including the library; source citation; and grant and conference proposal writing. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the LLAC graduate program.
Examines methodologies in literary, cultural and film criticism; and approaches such as formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism, semiotics, hermeneutics, the Frankfurt School, collective memory, gender studies, post-colonialism, transnationalism, and transculturalism. Students will develop research questions and explore ways in which to answer these questions as they relate to source texts (literary and filmic) in languages other than English. They will be introduced to research information sources, including the library; source citation; and grant and conference proposal writing. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the LLAC graduate program.