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University of Calgary Calendar 2018-2019 Faculty of Environmental Design 3. Faculty Regulations 3.1 Admissions
3.1 Admissions

Admission to graduate degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental Design follows Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations and requirements found at:

A recognized four-year undergraduate university degree is required for admission to the Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Planning and the Master of Environmental Design pursuant to Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations. Senior undergraduates in other Faculties may be eligible to take courses in the Faculty of Environmental Design. However, prior approvals of the instructor and the Faculty are required.

For specific admission information into any of the programs, refer to:

Admission to the Minor in Architectural Studies follows requirements identified below.

Because of limitations on enrolment, all applicants meeting admission requirements are not necessarily admitted.

Minor Field of Specialization in Architectural Studies

In order to be eligible for the Minor, students must have successfully completed a minimum of 24 units (4.0 full-course equivalents) in post-secondary study by the end of the Fall Term in the year in which they apply. Admission to the Minor will be granted for the Fall Term only. Students must apply via their online Student Centre by February 1.

The Minor has a fixed number of places for students. Students will be admitted on a competitive basis. The application to the Minor will include consideration of the applicant’s grade point average and a portfolio of their creative work.

A minimum grade point average of 3.20 is required for consideration for admission, but does not guarantee admission. The grade point average for admission purposes will be calculated over the most-recent course work to a maximum of 30 units (5.0 full-course equivalents) inclusive of the University of Calgary courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions.

Applicants to the Minor must submit a digital portfolio that provides evidence of original or creative work in any field or medium, and includes a brief statement of their interest in the Minor. The requirements for digital portfolio submissions can be found on the Environmental Design website:

Application Procedures

The deadline date for applications to the Master of Architecture, the Master of Landscape Architecture, the Master of Planning and Master of Environmental Design programs is January 15, for admission to the following Fall Term. The deadline date for applications to the Minor Field of Specialization in Architectural Studies is February 1, for admission to the following Fall Term. Degree Program Admission Committees for the Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Planning and Master of Environmental Design and the Minor of Architectural Studies evaluate the respective pool of eligible candidates and offers admission to the most-qualified applicants. New admissions to all programs may be limited in number as required on an annual basis.

The deadline date for applications to the Master of Environmental Design and PhD programs is February 1, for admission to the following Fall Term.