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Faculty of Science
1. Summary of Programs
2. Faculty Student Affairs
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Biological Sciences
4.2 Chemistry
4.2.1 Programs in Chemistry
4.2.2 Programs in Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education
4.2.3 Program in Honours Chemical Physics
4.2.4 Environmental Science - Chemistry Concentration
4.3 Computer Science
4.4 Geoscience
4.5 Mathematics and Statistics
4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
4.7 Physics and Astronomy
5. Administration
Faculty of Social Work
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Werklund School of Education
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University of Calgary Calendar 2017-2018 Faculty of Science 4. Program Details 4.2 Chemistry 4.2.4 Environmental Science - Chemistry Concentration
4.2.4 Environmental Science - Chemistry Concentration

Students may pursue a BSc program in Environmental Science with a concentration in Chemistry. This is a single-degree, four-year program offered by the Faculty of Science with collaboration from the Faculty of Arts. Program details are listed in 4.6 Non-Departmental Programs. Since this is a multidisciplinary program with restricted entry, students should consult the Director of the Environmental Science program at their earliest opportunity.