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B. Registration
C. Mathematics Competency Equivalents
D. Change of Faculty or Program
E. Course Information
F. Academic Standing
G. Examinations and Tests
H. Graduation
I. Reappraisal of Grades
J. Non-Disciplinary Academic Appeals
K. Statement on Principles of Conduct
K.1 Preamble
K.2 Statement
K.3 Student Misconduct
K.4 Statement of Intellectual Honesty
K.5 Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct
K.6 Disciplinary Action for Non-Academic Misconduct
L. Integrity in Scholarly Activity
M. Sexual Harassment
N. The Use of Banned Drugs by Student Athletes
O. Statement of Support for Persons with Life Threatening Communicable Illnesses
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University of Calgary Calendar 2017-2018 Academic Regulations K. Statement on Principles of Conduct K.1 Preamble
K.1 Preamble

This statement applies to all members of the University community – including students, faculty, administrators, any category of staff, practicum supervisors, examiners, and volunteers. This statement applies in all situations where the persons are acting in their University capacities, whether or not on the University's property. It also applies to visitors or any other persons on University property, and to persons with whom the University contracts for services.

All members of the University community have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with this Statement on Principles of Conduct and to conduct themselves accordingly.