Previously borrowed full-time student loans remain interest and payment free while studying full-time, even if student does not borrow subsequent loans. To ensure that interest-free status continues during full-time study, students must provide adequate proof of enrolment to their lenders. Students who will be borrowing full-time student loans do not need to submit interest-free documents to their lenders. Part-time students who are repaying previous Alberta student loans may reinstate their Alberta loans to interest-free status. Interest-free status can only be requested for a current study period and cannot be completed retroactively.
Borrowers from the following provinces who are studying full-time: AB, SK, BC, NFL, NB, NS, PEI (federal loans only), MB (federal loans only) and YK may request the school to update their interest-free status electronically. To request confirmation of enrolment to update interest-free status electronically:
- Create an Online Services account with NSLSC/Log on to your NSLSC online account at
- Select the “Confirmation your Enrolment” link on the left hand bar.
- Follow the prompts/fill out all applicable information.
- Submit your request.
Requests will come through to the Financial Aid Office and full-time status will be verified.
For all other provinces and Alberta borrowers who are studying part-time, for each academic year, interest-free status forms must be filled out at Enrolment Services (MB 117). Interest-free status can only be confirmed 30 days prior to the start of a study period (with the exception of BC (interest-free status can be confirmed 26 days prior to the start of a study period) and Ontario (interest-free status can be confirmed on the first day of the study period)).