The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Program is a comprehensive intensive program designed to prepare academically qualified students whose native language is not English for the purpose of admission to the University's degree or diploma programs. The EAP program is for prospective international, Permanent Resident or Canadian students whose level of English language proficiency (ELP) is at a high-intermediate to low-advanced level of fluency. This program is not designed for beginners. Academically qualified students can apply for admission to:
1. The combined EAP + Undergraduate Degree program
2. Students who miss the application deadline for EAP + Undergraduate Degree or who need ELP to apply for admission to a degree program at a future date have the option of enrolling in EAPP courses as Open Studies students.
Upon entry to the program all students are required to participate in the EAP Program's Language Assessment activities. The assessment results determine a student's placement into either the core three tier EAP Program or, for those who do not meet minimum requirements for admission to EAP, into the Preparation for the EAP Program (PREP). The PREP program is a two tier intensive bridging program that prepares students for entry into the EAP Program.
Effective with a September 2009 application for admission:
1. In order to be considered for admission, EAP + Undergraduate Degree applicants will need to submit minimum scores in one of the following:
(a) Internet based TOEFL (iBT) - 70; or
(b) Computer based TOEFL (CBT) - 193; or
(c) Paper based TOEFL (PBT) - 523; or
(d) CAEL - 50; or
(e) IELTS - 5.5; or
Admitted students whose placement test results indicate placement below EAP Tier 1 will have their admission to the degree rescinded and may choose to begin working on their goal to achieve ELP in the PREP Courses as Open Studies students.
2. Open Studies applicants may apply to study without these minimum scores. While studying as Open Studies students, students can apply for a future admission to a degree program.
Results from placement testing will place both types of applicants into appropriate Tier courses of the program.