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Schulich School of Engineering
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Faculty Information
3. School Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 First Year, Curriculum Requirements Common to All Programs
4.2 Chemical Engineering
4.3 Civil Engineering
4.4 Computer Engineering
4.5 Electrical Engineering
4.6 Geomatics Engineering
4.7 Mechanical Engineering
4.8 Oil & Gas Engineering
4.9 Software Engineering
4.10 Biomedical Engineering Specialization
4.11 Energy and Environment Specialization
4.12 Combined Programs
4.13 Diplomas
4.14 Engineering Internship Program
4.15 Minor in Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in the Schulich School of Engineering
5. Administration
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Co-operative Education/Internship
Continuing Education
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Summary of Revisions
University of Calgary Calendar 2013-2014 Schulich School of Engineering 4. Program Details 4.12 Combined Programs
4.12 Combined Programs

An engineering undergraduate degree program may be combined with any other undergraduate degree program on campus. Students may either be admitted to two degree programs when they first apply to the University or may seek admission to a second degree program after being admitted to engineering. Students are reminded that all degree programs at the University of Calgary are subject to quotas and it is the student's responsibility to meet the admission requirements for the second degree program. Students should consult the engineering website or inquire at the Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office for more information.

Students who are admitted to two degree programs when they initially apply to the University of Calgary may opt to spread their first year engineering courses over two years and be admitted to an engineering discipline after their second review period. Interested students must see the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) before the add/drop deadline of their first year to initiate this arrangement.

It is possible for students to opt out of a combined degree program after one year and complete either the BSc (Engineering) or the other degree.

Students may also combine their engineering degree with any minor offered by any faculty at the University of Calgary.