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Qatar Faculty
1. Summary of Degree Programs
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4. Program Details
4.1 Bachelor of Nursing Regular Program
4.2 Post-Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program
4.3 Diploma in Nursing Program
4.4 Foundation Program
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University of Calgary Calendar 2012-2013 Qatar Faculty 4. Program Details 4.2 Post-Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program
4.2 Post-Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program
Course Requirements

Core Nursing Courses1

Nursing 411 Nursing Scholarship
Nursing 441 Health Assessment
Nursing 531 Community Health Nursing Theory
Nursing 533 Community Health Nursing Clinical Practice
Nursing 537 Nursing Leadership and Management
Nursing 539 Research in Nursing
Nursing 543 Senior Practicum
One half senior Nursing option

Support Courses2

Statistics 211
Three 3-credit open options chosen from courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and/or the Faculty of Science
Three 3-credit open options

1Nursing 531 is a prerequisite to 533. Nursing 441 and 533 are prerequisites to 543.

2At least three of the six half open options must be at a senior level (300 or higher) and a maximum of two of the six half open options may be nursing options.

Other Requirements

Students' performance will be initially reviewed for promotion in the program when they have completed not less than the equivalent of six half courses. Students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.50.

Post-Diploma students will not be allowed to register in courses which duplicate content already taken in their nursing diploma program.

Program Regulations
Duration of Degree Program

The baccalaureate program for nurses who hold a diploma must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program. Students may complete the program on a full- or part-time basis. Part-time students are encouraged to complete some or all of the support courses prior to making application to the program.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit from outside the Qatar faculty is limited to ten 3-credit courses. Students must complete the remainder of the program, including six 3-credit nursing courses, while registered at the University of Calgary - Qatar.

Courses taken at a university or community college level may be transferable for credit provided that these courses were not used towards the nursing diploma.

Students should also be aware that regardless of the number of transfer credits awarded, the program cannot be completed in less than three academic terms.