Although specific courses will vary depending on the program, the following guidelines are to be followed by students in all programs:
1. A student must complete a minimum of four full-course equivalents satisfying divisional program requirements. At least two courses must be from the courses offered by the Faculty of Education and normally at least two courses numbered 600 or higher. A student lacking appropriate background may be required to complete one or more courses as prerequisites to the diploma program.
2. A grade point average of 3.00 or better is required on the four or five courses on the diploma program. (All courses taken subsequent to admission will be included in the calculation.) A grade below "C" will not be accepted for credit on a diploma program. The program must be completed within four calendar years. Relevant courses taken prior to admission (e.g., as an Open Studies student) may be allowed for credit toward the diploma; however, the date of the first course credited toward the diploma will indicate the commencement of the four-year time line.
General Notes:
1. Students who now hold the MEd degree may not obtain the diploma on the basis of course credits obtained on the MEd degree program.
2. Courses credited in a completed diploma may not be used for credit towards either the BEd degree or any graduate degree.
3. Those intending to apply for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies are advised that a full-time diploma year will not count as the equivalent of a residence year in the MA or MSc degree programs.
4. An area of specialization can be designated on the diploma. The area of specialization, however, must be indicated at the time of entry to the diploma program. Any change of specialization during study for the diploma must be approved by the Associate Dean of the appropriate division or his/her representative. Once an area of specialization has been placed on the diploma parchment, it cannot be altered.
5. Completion of the diploma does not fulfill the requirements for a teaching certificate.
6. Courses taken without approval may not be credited on the diploma. Faculty permission is required for courses and in some cases, because of practicum requirements, approval for admission to a course must be obtained from the instructor. Students should ask about such requirements.
7. Students may include an individual study course to cover a particular area of interest.