Each four-month Co-operative Education/Internship work term is registered as a Co-operative Education/Internship course. Co-operative Education/Internship courses are in addition to the normal requirements for a degree program.
Each work term (Co-operative Education/Internship course) is approximately four months in duration beginning either in January, May or September. Courses are graded on a Completed Requirements/Fail (CR/F) basis and this grade is not included in the calculation of the grade point average.
Once students are registered in a Co-operative Education/Internship course (i.e., have accepted a placement), they are committed and expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are registered in the appropriate number of Co-operative Education/Internship courses and are committed to complete all of them.
Students cannot withdraw from a Co-operative Education/Internship course (or leave a work term/placement) without permission from both Co-operative Education/Internship Program Office and the Faculty. (See 2.8 Withdrawal Policies.)