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3. BEd (Master of Teaching Program)
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5. Applied Psychology
6. Post Degree Continuous Learning Undergraduate Diploma and Undergraduate Certificate Programs in Education
7. Graduate Division of Educational Research
7.1 Post Degree Continuous Learning Undergraduate Diploma Program
7.2 Undergraduate Certificate Program
7.3 Post Degree Continuous Learning Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates
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University of Calgary Calendar 2010-2011 Faculty of Education 7. Graduate Division of Educational Research 7.3 Post Degree Continuous Learning Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates
7.3 Post Degree Continuous Learning Graduate Diplomas and Graduate Certificates
Post-Degree Continuous Learning

Eligible graduate students may progress through a three-stage laddering structure: graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, and the Master of Education degree program. That is, it may be possible for students to "ladder" with full academic and fee credit from a two full-course equivalent graduate certificate into a graduate diploma requiring an additional two full-course equivalents, and from there into a Master of Education program requiring another two full-course equivalents. For further information, please consult the Division of Educational Research or the Faculty of Education website at http://www.educ.ucalgary.ca/gder/