1. Details relating to sequence, registration, prerequisites and methods of delivery for Community of Learners degree programs reflect local needs and resources. Refer to the specific contacts on-line at: http://www.crds.org
2. Community of Learners courses are open to local or distance students who have Internet access and meet academic requirements for admission to courses. Please contact the local COL coordinator for more details.
3. A detailed listing of inter-faculty and inter-institutional option courses is available on-line at http://www.crds.org or from the Community Rehabilitation program. Students intending to pursue graduate programs are recommended to take a senior research/statistics course.
4. Students who will be in practica or seeking employment should be aware of the following regulation:
Provincial legislation requires that new employees and volunteers in publicly funded agencies, residential services, and day programs are subject to a criminal record check. This means that a criminal record check will be required prior to employment in health care and social service programs in Alberta. Please contact the Human Resources Department of the agency at which you will be employed if you require further information.
Most agencies where students complete practica require a criminal record check and/or child welfare clearance of students. Students should be prepared to provide such documentation prior to the commencement of the course.