A Bachelor of Arts in Music requires the completion of eight to ten full-course equivalents in Music, which must include the following: 
1. Two full-course equivalents from each of Music History and Literature and Music Theory and Composition
2. One and one half full-course equivalents from Music Performance or Musicianship (Music Theory and Composition 221 and 321)
3. At least two full-course equivalents at the 400 or 500 level, including at least one-half course in Music History and Literature (other than Music History and Literature 551) and Music Theory and Composition.
4. Music History and Literature 551
5. Music Theory and Composition 479 or 481, which can count towards requirement #2 above.
In planning their programs, students should bear in mind that some senior courses are not offered every year.
In addition, at least four full-course equivalents must be chosen from courses offered by the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences. Of the four required full-course equivalents, students must take at least one full-course equivalent in each of at least two faculties.
Note: A maximum of eight full-course equivalents at the junior level (numbered 200) may be counted toward the degree.