Requirements for admission to these programs include:
- An approved degree with a grade point average of at least 2.50 over the most recent course work to a maximum of five full-course equivalents (University of Calgary courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). All grades within a term will be included except where the number of courses taken within a term exceeds that required to fulfill (to a maximum of) five full-course equivalents, in which case the highest grades will be used.
- An interview with the appropriate Associate Dean or Assistant Dean or his/her representative to discuss program requirements and to complete program forms. Students must provide the Faculty with copies of their transcripts before or during the interview.
- An approved program. Applicants will not be registered until such time as the diploma program has been approved and formal admission to the program has been granted.
The Professional Teaching Certificate (Alberta) or its equivalent or equivalent professional experience may be taken into consideration for admission to the diploma program. A Bachelor of Education degree is not a requirement for admission to the diploma program. However, a student must hold a Bachelor's degree which provides adequate background to engage in further studies in this area.
Exceptions, such as students from developing countries with background experience in management and/or program areas, may be considered as special cases by the Dean.
Applicants new to the University of Calgary or students who have not attended during the last year must complete an Application for Admission form and supply official transcripts in duplicate. Former University of Calgary students who have attended during the past year must complete a Change of Program form.
Within three weeks of the date of admission, students must submit a registration form. Failure to attend the term to which a student has been admitted will result in the admission being rescinded.