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Residence Services

Living in residence offers a blend of academic and personal growth that makes a university education truly great! Residence students' close proximity to class, to faculty, to peers and to study groups facilitates an interactive, accessible and supportive university learning lifestyle. The University of Calgary has many kinds of accommodation available on campus for its diverse population of students: traditional dormitory style residences for first year student, apartment style residences for upper year undergraduate and graduate students and townhouses for students with families. Applications are available online at

Single Student Housing

The single student residence complex, located on the southwest corner of the University Campus, consists of eight buildings and offers a variety of accommodation styles.

Rundle and Kananaskis Halls are traditional dormitory style residences accommodating approximately 650 students in double and single rooms (there is a limited number of single rooms available). Housing consists of single-gender and co-ed wings or floors to best meet the needs of individual students. Each floor has a Community Advisor available to respond to students' needs and concerns. Laundry facilities, recreational lounges and academic lounges are all available for student use. Meal plans are required for students living in these buildings. More information on meal plans can be found at

Cascade Hall, Norquay Hall, Brewster Hall and Olympus Hall accommodate approximately 600 students in furnished, self-contained studio, one bedroom (single occupancy), two bedroom and four bedroom apartments. These apartments are designated for new and returning undergraduate students. Each building has its own academic lounge and recreational lounge, and also has Community Advisors available to support students' residential experience.

Glacier Hall and Brewster Hall are designated as graduate student apartment style buildings with the same services as our undergraduate buildings.

Students who have specific accessibility, mobility or medical needs are asked to indicate these needs on their application. Residence Services will work with students to meet their specific needs where possible.

Students must apply online for residence accommodation at First-Year Undergraduate Students are guaranteed a space in Residence if their application is received prior to April 30 of each year. All other new students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as demand for space is high, and assignments are completed on a first-come, first-served basis. Returning students' are assigned based on a lottery system, with applications due by February 28th. Applications are available each year in January.

Student Family Housing

Student Family Housing consists of 250 townhouses, arranged in a garden court setting that is ideal for students with families. In addition to the facilities offered, Residence Life Staff facilitate programs to meet all family members' needs, including community barbecues, homework help, summer camps and ESL conversation groups.

Space is limited in Student Family Housing, and the waitlist is processed based on date of application. To apply online or to learn more about student family housing, please visit our website.

Conference Housing

Conference Housing is available year round; limited space is available September to April. Conference Housing offers a wide variety of accommodation from traditional dormitory rooms to hotel style accommodation. We welcome conferences, meetings, visiting faculty and guests to the University & City of Calgary.

Visiting Scholars

Visiting Scholar Suites offer assistance to those scholars visiting the campus for a limited time period and seeking accommodation on campus. There are eight fully furnished apartments available year round.

For more information please contact the Conference Housing Office in Cascade Hall.

Telephone: (403) 220-3203