Strategic Studies STST

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Graduate Coordinator - P. Brennan

Graduate Courses

Only where appropriate to a student's program may graduate credit be received for courses numbered 500-599.

Strategic Studies 609 H(3-0)

(History 609)

Canada and the Second World War

Through examination of topics such as leadership and adapting to warfare, this course will examine the Canadian military's ability to cope with the harsh realities of war. Emphasis will be placed on the political parameters imposed by the Canadian government on the military, the quality of Canadian leadership, and the "fit" between British forms of military organization and the fighting quality of Canadian soldiers, sailors and aircrew.

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Strategic Studies 611 H(3-0)

Canadian Military Studies

Canadian military studies, excepting the two world wars. Topics will include the evolution of Canadian defence policy, past or present, the development and evolution of the Canadian Forces or any of its main elements (army, navy or air force), Canadian military operability with the military forces of Allied nations, and the relationship between Canadian foreign policy and the use of the Canadian military.

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Strategic Studies 613 H(3-0)

(History 613) (formerly Strategic Studies 651.01)

Canada and the First World War

Discussion topics will focus on the major themes in Canada's Great War military experience, including the Canadian Expeditionary Force's recruitment and training, leadership, tactical doctrine, and integration within the British Expeditionary Force, as well as developments in civil-military relations, conscription politics and the country's postwar military legacy.

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Strategic Studies 651 H(3-0)

Reading Seminar I

Prerequisites: Permission of the Graduate Co-ordinator.


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Strategic Studies 653 H(3-0)

Research Seminar I

Prerequisites: Permission of the Graduate Co-ordinator.


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Strategic Studies 655 H(3-0)

(History 655)

Classics of Strategy

Strategic thought from Sun Tzu to Clausewitz, Mahan to Corbett. Analyzes the writings of classic strategic thinkers, and then by way of case studies examines their theories as they pertain to military and political planners from the Peloponnesian War to the present.

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Strategic Studies 657 H(3-0)

Intelligence; Information Operations; and "Command, Control, Communications and Computers"

An assessment of the history of intelligence, information operations, and command systems for military and diplomatic institutions as well as contemporary theory and practice related to these issues.

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Strategic Studies 659 H(3-0)

Sea Power

The meaning of sea power and an assessment of how modern states use it. An analysis of the writings of major naval strategic thinkers and case-study examination of the application of those theories from Nelson to the present.

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Strategic Studies 661 H(3S-0)

Circumpolar Security

Assessment of the security environment of the Arctic region. This seminar will assess both the differing theoretical conceptualizations of security in the Arctic and the policies of the circumpolar states as they pursue Arctic security.

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Strategic Studies 751 H(3-0)

Reading Seminar II


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Strategic Studies 753 H(3-0)

Research Seminar II


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