Sociology SOCI
Instruction offered by members of the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Department Head - T. Langford
Junior Courses
Sociology 201 H(3-1T)
Introductory Sociology
The sociological study of society, social institutions, group behaviour, personality formation and social change.
Sociology 205 H(3-1T)
Canadian Society
An examination of the major institutions of Canadian society. Consideration given to the diversity of the Canadian population and to the dynamics of contemporary patterns of social change.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Social Sciences 202.
Note: This course is not a substitute for Sociology 201.
Senior Courses
Sociology 303 H(3-0)
Sociology of Gender Relations
An analysis of the condition of women in relationship to that of men in modern society, studying the impact of certain institutional structures. Examination of the nature of sex differences, gender role socialization, the sexual division of labour and liberationist movements.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 307 H(3-0)
Sociology of First Nations in Canada
The dynamics of Native Indian groups' relations with each other and the larger society. Topics include decolonization and relations with the state, demography, Indian organizations, Indian nationalism and nation-building, power, social class and public policy.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 309 H(3-0)
Alberta Society
Sociological introduction to the ideology, composition, dynamics, and institutions of Albertan society, using external comparisons where relevant.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 311 H(3-3)
Introductory Social Statistics I
Basic descriptive statistics for survey research including cross tabular analysis, regression and correlation, and related inferential statistics.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Note: Credit towards degree requirements will be given for only one of Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301/303, Engineering 319, Political Science 399, Psychology 312, Sociology 311/315, Statistics 201/211, 213/217, 327, 333, 357; that one being a course appropriate to the degree program.
Sociology 313 H(3-2)
Introductory Social Research Methods
Research processes including problem definition, data collection and analyses; quantitative and qualitative strategies. Students are expected to acquire skills through doing research.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 315 H(3-3)
Introductory Social Statistics II
Introduction to multivariate analysis for sociological research, including multivariate tabular analysis, multiple regression and correlation, and structural equation models.
Prerequisites: Sociology 311 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 321 H(3-0)
Sociology of Health and Illness
Medical institutions and professionalization, social attitudes toward illness and care, and how society structures the "sick role".
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 325 H(3-0)
Introduction to Deviance and Social Control
Systematic analysis of theories of deviant, delinquent and criminal behaviours and the social responses to them.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 331 H(3-0)
Classical Sociological Theory
The development of sociological theory from the nineteenth century to the Second World War.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 333 H(3-0)
Contemporary Sociological Theory
The development of sociological theory from the Second World War to the present.
Prerequisites: Sociology 331 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 341 H(3-0)
Social Psychology
The study of individual and group behaviour observed in social processes.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Psychology 345.
Sociology 345 H(3-0)
Mass Communication
The analysis of socio-psychological effects of mass media of communication, radio, television, movies, comic books, etc.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 353 H(3-0)
Urban Sociology
Institutional and ecological factors in the social life of cities.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 355 H(3-0)
Population and Society
The study of population structure (size, composition, distribution) and process (fertility, mortality, migration); its relation to society, including world population problems.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 365 H(3-0)
Social Stratification
An introduction to theories of social stratification and different types of social stratification systems.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 367 H(3-0)
Ethnicity in Social Organizations in Canada
Impact of racial, ethnic, and linguistic heterogeneity and of various patterns of immigration on economic, political, social and cultural institutions.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 369 H(3-0)
Political Sociology
An introduction to the study of the social bases of political institutions and practices, and of the impact of these institutions and practices on society.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 371 H(3-0)
Sociology of Families
Structure and functions of the family, family systems, sociology of family life stages (such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age), contemporary trends and problems of the family.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 373 H(3-0)
Sociology of Aging
Social and institutional factors associated with aging in modern society.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 375 H(3-0)
Theories and Patterns of Ethnic Relations
A sociological introduction to the forms and dynamics of relations among ethnic groups around the world. Such concepts as prejudice, racism, assimilation, pluralism, and de-colonization are examined in theoretical and cross-national contexts.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 377 H(3-0)
Sociology of Religion
An introduction to the theories and concepts utilized by sociologists to interpret religious behaviour and the organization of religion.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 393 H(3-0)
The Sociology of Work
A sociological analysis of the nature and meaning of work; economic, social, cultural and institutional factors associated with work; the effects of changing technology on work in industrial and post-industrial societies.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 399 H(3-0)
Sociology of Sport
Organized around the theme of social problems in sport, this course examines sports-related behaviour, consumption, and sponsorship. A variety of approaches shows how sport is socially constructed and embodies different meanings for different groups of people.
Prerequisites: Sociology 201 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 400 F(3S-0)
Honours Thesis
Research project under the direction of a member of the Department. Required of, and open only to, fourth year honours Sociology students.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313. Consult Department for assignment to faculty member.
Sociology 401 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Sociology
Selected themes as announced by the Department.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313, 331 and 333 are recommended. Consult Department for specific course topics.
Sociology 403 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Gender Relations
Selected themes and issues in the sociology of gender relations as announced by the Department.
Prerequisites: Sociology 303 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 405 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Canadian Social Structure
A macro-level examination of Canadian social structure including a socio-developmental analysis of selected Canadian institutions such as bilingualism, regionalism, multiculturalism, multinational corporations, and ethnic stratification. Critical examination of sociological models for the study of Canadian society.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 407 H(3-0)
(formerly Sociology 401.15)
Sociology of the Body
Considers aspects of the lived body and the body as object of social construction, modification, and regulation.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 321 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 409 H(3-0)
(formerly Sociology 401.16)
Social Determinants of Health
An advanced study of health in a social context. Examines the social determinants of health and illness outcomes along with their implications for public policies conducive to better health.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 321 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 411 H(3-0)
Graphic Presentation of Sociological Data
Methods of graphic presentation and data analysis techniques using secondary data sources particularly the Canadian censuses, vital statistics and immigration data.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 315 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 413 H(3-0)
Qualitative Research Methods
Research methods such as participant observation, naturalistic observation, interviewing, nonreactive techniques, and life histories, and methodological issues such as gaining access to subjects, and issues pertaining to the ethics of research.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 415 H(3-0)
Sociological Analysis of Survey Data
Methodological and substantive issues in the creation and utilization of social surveys and their role in testing theories and informing social policies.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 315 or consent of the Department.
Note: Not open to students with credit in Sociology 401.05.
Sociology 419 H(3-0)
Special Topics in the Sociology of Health and Illness
Advanced analysis of selected themes and issues in the sociology of health and illness, as announced by the Department.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 321 or consent of the Department.
Note: May be used for credit toward the concentration in the Sociology of Health a maximum of twice. May be used for credit toward the concentration in the Sociology of Health only once for students who present credit in Sociology 401.17.
Sociology 421 H(3-0)
Advanced Topics in Deviance and Criminology
Advanced study of contemporary issues in the research in deviance and crime.
Prerequisites: Sociology 325 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Note: May be used for credit toward the concentration in Criminology, Deviance and Social Control a maximum of twice.
Sociology 423 H(3-0)
The Sociology of Youth Crime
Explanations of the criminal activities of young people including an assessment of treatment strategies and legal regimes developed in response to this behaviour.
Prerequisites: Sociology 325 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 425 H(3-0)
The Sociology of Violence
An exploration of violence in a variety of situations and social institutions and more general patterns of victimization in contemporary society.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 325; or consent of the Department.
Sociology 427 H(3-0)
The Social Organization of Criminal Justice
Comparative social organization of the criminal justice system from a sociological perspective; special attention to and analysis of the structure of the Canadian criminal justice system.
Prerequisites: Sociology 325 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 429 H(3-0)
The Sociology of Law
Sociological problems regarding the origin, impact and definition of law, dispute resolution, and the relationship between law and social change.
Prerequisites: Sociology 325 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 435 H(3-0)
The Sociology of Knowledge
The study of knowledge as a social practice; theories of knowledge, representation and interpretation; practical knowledge in everyday life; the role of organized knowledge in social domains such as science, biomedicine, bureaucracy, social service administration and professional occupations.
Prerequisites: Sociology 331 and 333 or equivalents; or consent of the Department. Sociology 313 is recommended.
Sociology 439 H(3-0)
The Construction of Sociological Theory
Discussion of existing approaches to theory construction - e.g., classical, grounded theory, concept formation, hypothesis construction. Propositional inventories and causal modelling will also be examined through analysis of examples of explanations in the social sciences.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and either 331 or 333; or consent of the Department.
Sociology 441 H(3-3)
Social Interaction and Group Dynamics
Investigates the interplay between interpersonal interaction and group processes. Uses interdisciplinary concepts to establish sociological connections between ongoing behaviour in the group and personal experience.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department. Sociology 333 is recommended.
Sociology 443 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Social Psychology
An advanced study of social processes and interactions of persons in groups with some methodological considerations.
Prerequisites: Sociology 341 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 453 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Urban Sociology
Critical analysis of theories of urban institutional and ecological characteristics. Emphasis is on comparative data derived from a sample of world cities.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 353; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 461 H(3-0)
Worker Movements and Labour Unions
A social movement perspective on working class struggle and accommodation in capitalist societies. Historical and contemporary movements will be considered, with an emphasis on Canada.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and one of 331/333, 365 or 369; or consent of the Department.
Sociology 467 H(3-0)
Ethnic Relations in Canada
An introduction to the structure and form of ethnic (racial) group relations in Canada. Contemporary relations will be analysed from a historical perspective.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 471 H(3-0)
Special Topics in the Sociology of Families
Selected themes and issues in the sociology of families as announced by the Department.
Prerequisites: Sociology 371 and 313; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 475 H(3-0)
Special Topics in Race and Ethnic Relations
Advanced analysis of selected themes and issues in race and ethnic relations within the framework of theory and research.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and either 367 or 375 or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Note: May be used for credit toward the concentration in Ethnicity, Population and Canadian Society a maximum of twice.
Sociology 481 H(3-0)
Socio-Cultural Change
An introduction to the theories of social change with an emphasis on their relevance to pre-industrial and industrial societies.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313, 331 and 333; or consent of the Department.
Sociology 487 H(3-0)
Sociology of Development
A study of the process of change and modernization in the developing areas of the world.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and one of 331/333 or 361; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Sociology 493 H(3-0)
Special Topics in the Sociology of Work
Selected themes and issues in the sociology of work as announced by the Department.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 and 393; or consent of the Department. Sociology 331 and 333 are recommended.
Note: May be used for credit toward the concentration in Work and Organizations a maximum of twice.
Sociology 499 Q(3-0)
Special Topics in Sociology
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 501 H(3-0)
Conference Course in Sociology
Arranged for various topics of Sociology on the basis of special interest and need.
Prerequisites: Consult Department for assignment to Faculty member.
Note: May be repeated for credit a maximum of twice.
Graduate Courses
Only where appropriate to a student's program may graduate credit be received for courses numbered 500-599.
Sociology 601 H(3-0)
Conference Course in Sociology
Arranged for various topics of Sociology on the basis of special interest and need.
Prerequisites: Consult Department for assignment to Faculty member.
Sociology 602 F(3-0)
Master's Project
Directed study in selected topics in Sociology for course-based MA students. A research project and preparation of a Research Project Report are required.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department for assignment of Faculty members.
Sociology 603 H(3-0)
Seminar in Sociology of Health and Illness
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 611 H(3S-3)
Social Statistics: The General Linear Model
Multiple regression and correlation with applications to sociological research; regression diagnostics; extensions of linear regression such as nonlinear models, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and causal modelling.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department. (Sociology 311 and 315 normally required.)
Sociology 613 H(3S-2)
Seminar in Sociological Research Methods
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 615 H(3S-2)
Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods
Advanced study in the theory and practice of qualitative research methods. Topics may include participant observation, in-depth interviews, narrative analysis, conversation and discourse analysis, autoethnography, archival research, and feminist research methods.
Prerequisites: Sociology 313 or consent of the Department. Sociology 413 is recommended.
Sociology 625 H(3S-0)
Seminar on Deviant Behaviour
Prerequisites: Sociology 324 or 325 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 631 H(3S-0)
Seminar in Classical Sociological Theory
The history of Sociological theory from the beginnings to World War II, including readings from Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and the early Parsons.
Prerequisites: Sociology 331 and 333 or equivalents; or consent of the Department.
Sociology 633 H(3S-0)
Seminar in Contemporary Sociological Theory
Sociological theory from World War II to the present.
Prerequisites: Sociology 631 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 653 H(3S-0)
Seminar on Urban Sociology
Prerequisites: Sociology 353 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 665 H(3S-0)
Seminar on Social Stratification and Inequality
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 667 H(3S-0)
Seminar on Ethnic Relations
Prerequisites: Sociology 375 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 671 H(3S-0)
Seminar on the Sociology of Families
Prerequisites: Sociology 471 or consent of the Department.
Sociology 677 H(3S-0)
Seminar in Sociology of Gender Relations
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 701 H(3S-0)
Doctoral Seminar in Sociology
Seminar on selected topics. Consult Department for details.
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 703 H(3S-0)
Seminar in Professional Sociology
Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.
Sociology 705 Q(3S-0)
Seminar in Advanced Methodological Issues
Prerequisites: Sociology 613 or consent of the Department.