Outdoor Pursuits ODPU

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Kinesiology.

Students should also see course listings under the headings Dance Education, Kinesiology, Physical Education, and Physical Education Activity/Theory.

Senior Courses

Outdoor Pursuits 443 H(3-0)

Administration of Outdoor Programs

An overview of the principles, theories, and practices that are currently used in the administration of outdoor programs, both residential and mobile, with a focus on risk management, legal liability, policies and procedures, and staffing.

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Outdoor Pursuits 491 H(0-4)

Practicum in Outdoor Pursuits

Practical field experiences in outdoor pursuits.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Faculty.

Note: Students wishing to take this course must consult with the Outdoor Pursuits Coordinator prior to registration in order that summer work placement can be arranged.

Note: Students must consult with the Pedagogy Coordinator in order to obtain required documentation to comply with the legal requirements for placement in schools.


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