Electrical Engineering ENEL

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.

Department Head - L.J. Leon

Associate Heads - S.A. Norman (Undergraduate), A. Sesay (Graduate)

Director of Undergraduate Program for Electrical Engineering - W. Rosehart

Director of Undergraduate Program for Computer Engineering - S.A. Norman

Director of Undergraduate Program for Software Engineering - M. Moussavi

Electrical Engineering 007 Q(16 hours)

Electrical Engineering Fourth-Year Block Course

This block course is intended to provide the necessary background material to prepare students for the fourth year Team Design Project. Topics covered include: personal responsibilities and interpersonal relationships involved in a team project; team projects from a current industrial perspective; tools to automate project management, e.g. PERT charts, critical path analysis, resource management, report generation and project tracking.

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


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Senior Courses

Electrical Engineering 327 H(3-1T-3/2)

Signals and Transforms

Continuous-time systems and differential equations. Continuous-time impulse response and convolution, characteristic roots and modes. Time-domain analysis of discrete-time systems. Z-transform analysis. Fourier series and Fourier transform.

Prerequisites: Applied Mathematics 307.

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Electrical Engineering 329 H(3-1T-3/3)

Circuits for Software Engineers

Basic circuit laws, node and mesh analysis. First order RC circuits. DC and transient analysis. Overview of basic semiconductor devices and circuits. Fundamentals of logic circuits. CAD tools for circuit analysis.

Prerequisites: Physics 259.

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Electrical Engineering 341 H(3-1T-3/2)

Circuits I

Definition of linear elements, independent and dependent sources, sign conventions; basic circuit laws, simple resistive circuits; node and mesh analysis. Thevenin, Norton and other theorems; inductance and capacitance. Ac circuit analysis, impedance, admittance, phasor diagrams; average and effective values of waveforms, real, reactive and complex power, power calculations; mutual inductance, ideal transformer, introduction to balanced three-phase circuits, power calculation in three-phase circuits.

Prerequisites: Physics 259.

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Electrical Engineering 343 H(3-1T-3/2)

Circuits II

The operational amplifier. Natural and step responses of first order RL and RC circuits. Natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Series and parallel resonance. Laplace transform methods. The Laplace transform in circuit analysis. The transfer function. Fourier series. The Fourier transform. Two-port circuits. Two-port circuit parameters: admittance, impedance and hybrid parameters.

Prerequisites: Applied Mathematics 307 and one of Electrical Engineering 341 or Biomedical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 353 H(3-1T-3/2)

Digital Circuits

Combinational logic: number systems, truth tables, Karnaugh maps, minterms, maxterms. Sequential circuits, JK and D flip flops, state diagrams and synthesis techniques. Memory based logic functions. Gates, buffers, counters, multiplexers, demultiplexers and registers. Medium and large scale integration in sequential design.

Prerequisites: (Computer Science students only) Computer Science 233 and Mathematics 271.

Corequisites: Computer Engineering 339.

Note: Credit for both Electrical Engineering 353 and Computer Science 321 will not be allowed.

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Electrical Engineering 361 H(3-1T-3/2)

Electronic Materials

Properties of atoms in materials, classical free electron model, conduction electrons in materials, quantum model and band electrons. Electro-optical and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors and insulators. Application of electronic materials in semiconductor technology, solid state optical devices, sensors and transducers.

Prerequisites: Physics 259 and one of 269 or 369.

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Electrical Engineering 409 H(3-2)

Principles of Software Development

A survey of software design and development topics for Electrical Engineering students. Topics include: key features of an object-oriented programming language, especially inheritance and polymorphism; elements of object-oriented design; programming and application of common data structures; strategies and tools for testing and debugging.

Prerequisites: Computer Engineering 339.

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Electrical Engineering 441 H(3-1T-3/2)

Control Systems I

Component block diagram of feedback control systems and examples. Mathematical modelling of dynamic systems; state-space representation and frequency domain representation of dynamic systems. Basic control actions and industrial controllers. Transient response analysis and steady-state error analysis. Root-locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis; Nyquist stability criterion and analysis. Design and compensation techniques. Introduction to digital control systems.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 453 H(3-1T-3/2)

Digital Systems Design

Design, implementation and testing of a digital system. Mask programmable and field programmable technology. Logic design for integrated systems. Design for testability. Real versus ideal logic design. CAD tools for digital systems design: simulation, synthesis and fabrication.

Prerequisites: Computer Engineering 415 or 417 and one of Electrical Engineering 463 or Computer Engineering 467.

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Electrical Engineering 463 H(3-1T-3/2)

Electronic Devices and Circuits

Analysis and design of circuits containing diodes, bipolar transistors and MOSFETs. Physical operation of semiconductor devices. Current and voltage characteristics. Regions of operation. Large and small signal models. Diode and transistor circuits.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 343 and 361.

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Electrical Engineering 465 H(3-1T-3/2)

Analog Integrated Electronics

Introduction to analog integrated circuits. Review of semiconductor diodes, bipolar and MOS transistors. CMOS, Bipolar and BICMOS technologies. Analog bipolar and MOS subcircuits. Bipolar and CMOS Operational Amplifiers. Non-ideal behaviour of operational amplifiers. Commercial amplifiers. Operational transconductor amplifiers. Applications. Power Amplifiers. Power Supplies.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 463.

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Electrical Engineering 471 H(3-1T-3/2)

Analog Communications

Fundamentals of communication systems; signals and system classifications. Signal analysis; Fourier series and Fourier transform. Systems analysis; filters, time-domain and Frequency-domain analysis. Analog modulation; linear continuous wave and nonlinear continuous wave modulation; generation and detection of analog modulated waves. Applications of analog modulation. Noise in analog modulation; comparison of analog modulations.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 475 H(3-1T-3/3)

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields

The Field approach to steady electric and magnetic fields, electric and magnetic potential gradients. Gauss's laws, Laplace's and Poisson's equations, graphical field mapping, finite difference methods, conservation of charge and equation of continuity. Quasi-static fields, Faraday's law, magnetic circuits and materials. Maxwell's equations, boundary conditions at the interface between two media. Wave equations, uniform plane wave propagation, polarization, loss tangent, skin effect, poynting vector and electromagnetic power flow. Reflection and refraction of uniform plane waves, interference phenomenon, standing wave ratio, impedance matching.

Prerequisites: Physics 259 and Applied Mathematics 309.

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Electrical Engineering 489 H(3-1T-3/2)

Electric Machines: Steady-State

dc and ac excitation of magnetic circuits; transformers; principles of electromechanical energy conversion. Steady-state analysis and operation of dc, synchronous and induction machines.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 341 or Biomedical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 519 H(3-2)

Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

Current topics in electrical engineering.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Consult Department for announcement of topics.


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Electrical Engineering 525 H(3-2)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 519.17)

Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing

Neural networks: neuron models and network architectures; preceptrons; Widrow-Hoff learning and the backpropagation algorithm; associative memory and Hopfield networks; unsupervised learning. Fuzzy systems: basic operations and properties of fuzzy sets; fuzzy rule generation and defuzzification of fuzzy logic; fuzzy neural networks. Applications in areas such as optimization, signal and image processing, communications, and control. Introduction to genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing. Introduction to chaos theory.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 527 H(3-2)

Design and Implementation of FPGA-Based DSP Systems

The design and implementation of digital systems for digital signal processing applications. Introduction to Hardware Design Languages. VHDL. Introduction to digital filter design and computational units for digital arithmetic. Interface standards. Interfacing to peripheral devices. Printed circuit board design and implementation. Design for testability.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 453 and 471.

Note: Credit for both Electrical Engineering 527 and either Computer Engineering 519.27 or Electrical Engineering 519.27 will not be allowed.

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Electrical Engineering 529 H(3-1T-1)

Wireless Communications Systems

Overview of terrestrial wireless systems including system architecture and industry standards; propagation characteristics of wireless channels; modems for wireless communications; cells and cellular traffic; cellular system planning and engineering; fading mitigation techniques in wireless systems; multiple access techniques for wireless systems.

Prerequisites: Engineering 319 and Electrical Engineering 471.

Note: Credit for both Electrical Engineering 529 and any of Computer Engineering 519.29, Electrical Engineering 519.29 or Software Engineering for Engineers 519.29 will not be allowed.

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Electrical Engineering 541 H(3-1T-3/2)

Control Systems II

Introduction to sampled-data control systems, discretization of analog systems, discrete-time signals and systems, causality, time-invariance, z-transforms, stability, asymptotic tracking, state-space models, controllability and observability, pole assignment, deadbeat control, state observers, observer-based control design, optimal control.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 441.

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Electrical Engineering 559 H(3-2)

Analog Filter Design

This class deals with the theory and design of active filters, for audio-frequency applications, using op amps. It consists, basically, of two phases. Phase 1 deals with the realization of a given transfer function using cascade of first and/or second-order RC-op amps circuits. In phase II, the transfer functions of filters are studied in combination with frequency-response approximations such as Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse-Chebyshev, Cauer (or Elliptic) and Bessel-Thompson.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 465 and 471.

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Electrical Engineering 563 H(3-1T-2)

Biomedical Signal Analysis

Introduction to the electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electromyogram, and other diagnostic signals. Computer techniques for processing and analysis of biomedical signals. Pattern classification and decision techniques for computer-aided diagnosis. Case studies from current applications and research.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 565 H(3-1T-3/2)

Digital Integrated Electronics

Semiconductor devices, modelling of CMOS switching, CMOS logic families, performance and comparison of logic families, interconnect, semiconductor memories, design and fabrication issues of digital IC's.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 465.

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Electrical Engineering 567 H(3-1T-3/2)

CMOS VLSI Engineering

Introduction to CMOS very large-scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design. Review of MOS transistor theory and operation. Introduction to CMOS circuits. CMOS processing technology and design rules. Circuit characterization and performance estimation. CMOS circuit and logic design. VLSI design methods and tools. Basic concepts of design for testability. CMOS subsystem and system design.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 465 or Computer Engineering 467.

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Electrical Engineering 569 H(3-1T-3/2)

Electronics for Instrumentation

Error analysis. Component specification. Power supplies. Switched power supplies. Operational amplifier non-idealities. Noise in devices. Instrumentation and isolation amplifiers. Logarithmic principles. Multipliers, dividers. RMS to DC conversion. Voltage-to-frequency conversion. Bridge circuits.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 465.

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Electrical Engineering 571 H(3-1T-3/2)

Digital Communications

Fundamentals of digital communication systems. Digital coding of analog waveforms; digital pulse modulation, pulse code modulation, delta modulation. Intersymbol interference; baseband transmission, correlative coding. Probability theory. Optimal demodulation of data transmission; matched filtering; bit error rate.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 471.

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Electrical Engineering 573 H(3-1T-1)

Telecommunications and Computer Communications

Fundamentals of telecommunication system and teletraffic engineering; transmission systems; switching networks and congestions. Characterization of teletraffic; queueing theory; mathematical modelling of queueing systems; the birth and death process. Erlang loss and delay formulas; Engset loss and delay formulas. Computer communication networks; multiple access techniques.

Prerequisites: Engineering 319.

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Electrical Engineering 575 H(3-1T-3/2)

Microwave Circuits and Antennas

Antennas; radiation patterns, arrays, pattern multiplication, aperture antennas, propagation. Microwaves; applications, radiation hazards, waveguides and transmission lines, components, matching klystrons, travelling wave tubes and magnetrons. Solid state microwave devices.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 475.

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Electrical Engineering 577 H(3-1T-1)

Transmission Media

Transmission lines: characterization, analog and digital transmission. Terrestrial radio: very high frequency and ultra high frequency, propagation and noise. Microwave propagation. Satellite communication. System designs; modulation requirements and error control.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 471 and 475.

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Electrical Engineering 579 H(3-1T-3/2)

Optical Fibre Communications

Electromagnetic wave progagation and Maxwell's equations. Modal analysis of the dielectric slab waveguide together with the step-index and graded-index cylindrical optical fibre. Dispersion and attenuation. Fibre design considerations and a review of fibre chemistry and production techniques. Measurement of fibre parameters. Optical transmitters, photodetectors and receivers, modulation, multiplexing, splices and connectors. Multiterminal analog and digital network analysis and design. Optical fibre local area networks. Optical switching and integrated optics.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 463 and 475.

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Electrical Engineering 583 H(2-4)

Fourth Year Electrical Engineering Team Design Project, Part A

Introduction to the theory, experience and practice of project management. Theory includes generally accepted project management principles, the structure of both project and team, together with ancillary topics that commonly affect project outcome. The experience is gained from a series of guest lectures by industrial practitioners with engineering background. The practice is obtained through the performance of a "customer suggested" team project through the stages of project requirement and specification analysis, high level and detailed low level designs. The project is executed, and progress measured against a plan developed by the team participants.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 007.

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Electrical Engineering 585 H(3-2)

Introduction to Power Electronics

Commutation. Diode rectifiers. Fully controlled 3-phase rectifiers. Choppers, inverters, ac controllers. Single-phase switch mode converters: dc-to-dc, ac-to-dc, dc-to-ac. Circuit and state-space averaging techniques. Switching devices and magnetics.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 465.

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Electrical Engineering 587 H(3-1.5T-3/4)

Power Systems

Three-phase systems, per unit representation, power system elements and configurations, transmission system representation and performance, power flow studies, symmetrical components, fault studies, HVdc transmission, flexible ac transmission systems controllers, economics of power generation, transient and steady-state stability, swing equation.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 489.

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Electrical Engineering 589 H(2-4)

Fourth Year Electrical Engineering Team Design Project, Part B

Continues upon the foundations of theory, experience and practice of project management established in Part A. The detailed low-level project design developed by the team in Part A will be implemented, unit tested, integrated and system tested before undergoing customer trials. The project is executed and progress is measured against a plan developed by the participants.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 583.

Note: Electrical Engineering 007, 583 and 589 are a required three-course sequence that shall be completed in the same academic year.

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Electrical Engineering 591 H(2-4)

Individual Electrical Engineering Project, Part II

This individual project is intended for students who have completed a suitable Electrical Engineering 599 Individual Project and wish to continue the assigned research project by completing a more extensive investigation. A comprehensive written report is required which is defended and presented orally in a department seminar.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 599 and formal approval from the project supervisor and course coordinator(s).

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Electrical Engineering 593 H(3-1T-2/2)

Digital Filters

Discrete-time systems. The Z transform and its properties. Sampling and aliasing. Input-output and state-variable representations. Recursive and nonrecursive discrete-time filter structures. Time-domain and frequency-domain analysis. Classification and design of filter transfer functions. Bilinear transform. Implementations in software and hardware. Nonideal performance, finite precision arithmetic, limit cycles, noise, dynamic range, scaling. Applications in engineering, chosen from telecommunications, audio hi-fi, television, graphics, multimedia.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327.

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Electrical Engineering 598 F(2-4)

Individual Electrical Engineering Research Project

The project involves individual work on an assigned Electrical Engineering research topic under the supervision of a Departmental faculty member. Submission and defense of a mid-year written report is required. A final comprehensive written report is required which is defended and presented orally in a departmental seminar format.

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing and formal approval from the project supervisor and course coordinator(s).

Note: Credit for both Electrical Engineering 598 and either 591 or 599 will not be allowed.

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Electrical Engineering 599 H(2-4)

Individual Electrical Engineering Project

This project involves individual work on an assigned Electrical Engineering topic under the supervision of a faculty member. The topic would normally involve a literature review, theoretical and experimental or computer work. Submission and defence of a written formal report is required.

Prerequisites: Formal approvals from the project supervisor and course coordinator(s).

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Graduate Courses

Registration in all courses requires the approval of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Electrical Engineering 601 H(3-1.5)

Power System Operation

Energy transfer in power systems; real and reactive power flows; VAR compensation. Power system control, interconnected operation. Power system stability, techniques of numerical integration. Load representation, power quality. Computational paradigms for typical power system problems. Computer simulation of representative power system problems.

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Electrical Engineering 603 H(3-0)

Rotating Machines

General theory of rotating machines providing a unified approach to the analysis of machine performance. General equations of induced voltage and torque. Transient performance of machines.

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Electrical Engineering 605 Q(1.5S-0)

Research Seminar

Reports of studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all full-time graduate students.


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Electrical Engineering 607 Q(1.5S-0)

Research Seminar

Reports of studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all full-time graduate students.


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Electrical Engineering 609 Q(3-1)

Special Topics

Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member.


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Electrical Engineering 611 H(3-1)

Digital Systems

Introduction to digital system design for mask programmable and field programmable gate arrays. CMOS digital logic design. Flip-flop timing and metastability. Design for testability. CAD tools for digital systems design.

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Electrical Engineering 619 H(3-1)

Special Problems

Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member.


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Electrical Engineering 623 H(3-1)

Biomedical Instrumentation

Introduction to biomedical instrumentation. The four elements of an electronic monitoring system. Errors and error handling. Instrument modelling. Sensors: Basic concepts. Conversion of different processes into voltages or currents. Introduction to biomedical amplifiers. Ideal op amp. The concept of patient protection. Differential and instrumentation amplifiers. Non-idealities in biomedical amplifiers. Noise and noise sources. Error analysis. Offsets and offset compensation. Power supplies for instrumentation circuits. Frequency characteristics of biomedical amplifiers. Frequency conditioning circuits. Active filters. Isolation amplifiers and details on patient protection. Analog-to-Digital conversion. Basic principles and conversion errors. Nyquist theorem of discretization and antialiasing requirements. Multichannel data acquisition. Real-time requirements. Real-time digital conditioning of monitored biomedical signals. The concept of closed-loop real-time control of biomedical systems.

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Electrical Engineering 625 H(3-1)

Detection and Estimation Theory

Detection and estimation theory as it is applied in communication systems, as well as measurement systems in radar, biomedical engineering, geomatics etc. The specific topics covered are: Sufficient statistics, Hypothesis testing, Neyman-Person Detectors, Bayesian Detectors, Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators, Maximum Likelihood Estimators, Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds, Bayesian Estimators, Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimators, Least Squares Estimators, Linear Prediction. Applications in communications and measurement systems. An emphasis will be put upon modern methods in detection and estimation, in particular subspace methods.

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Electrical Engineering 627 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.50)


Foundations of theory and practice of modern antennas. Topics covered will include: theoretical background, antenna parameters, simple radiators, antenna array theory, wire antennas, broadband antennas, microstrip antennas, aperture radiators, base station antennas, antennas for mobile communications, antenna measurements.

Note: Students registering in this course should have a background in electromagnetics and basic microwave engineering.

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Electrical Engineering 629 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.05)

Advanced Logic Design of Electronic and Nanoelectronic Devices

Two-level and multi-level logic synthesis; flexibility in logic design; multiple-valued logic for advanced technology; multi-level minimization; Binary Decision Diagrams, Word-level Decision Diagrams, sequential and combinational equivalence checking; technology mapping; technology-based transformations; logic synthesis for low power, optimizations of synchronous and asynchronous circuits, logical and physical design from a flow perspective; challenges of design of nanoelectronic devices.

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Electrical Engineering 631 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.66)

System Identification and Parameter Estimation

Parametric models of linear time-invariant systems. System and noise models. Estimation of model parameters. Structure and order selection. Model validation. Convergence and sensitivity analysis. Experiment design. MIMO systems. Subspace methods. Introduction to nonlinear and/or time-varying systems.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 649.

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Electrical Engineering 633 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.96)

Wireless Networks

Overview of the components and architectural alternatives for wireless networks. Review of existing and proposed wireless network standards (e.g. Advanced Mobile Phone System - AMPS, Digital AMPS, Interim Standard 95 - IS95, Global System for Mobile Communications - GSM, Code division Multiple Access 2000 - CDMA 2000, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System - UMTS, etc.). Discussion of wireless network communication protocols including network access control protocols, routing congestion and flow control protocols, mobility and resource management protocols. Modelling and analysis of wireless network performance in the context of voice, data and video services, making use of mathematical and simulation techniques. Outline of current and future research challenges in wireless networks.

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Electrical Engineering 639 H(3-1)

Radio Frequency and Microwave Circuit Design

Circuit design via transmission line elements: special emphasis on microstrip circuits and effects of discontinuities (corners, Tees, and impedance steps). Analysis of passive impedance matching and filtering circuits using distributed and lumped elements. Narrow band matching and wide band matching techniques as well as wide band matching to a complex load. One and two port small signal amplifiers. Scattering parameter design methods: amplifier gain, input and output matching and stability. Computer aided design methods and broadband design methods. Large signal transistor amplifiers: device nonlinearities and design methodologies.

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Electrical Engineering 643 H(3-1)

Fibre Optics Transmission

Fundamental theory of cylindrical optical waveguides by way of Maxwell's equation and the modal analysis of the slab waveguides, step-index and graded-index fibres, review of fibre chemistry and production techniques. Problem areas relating to measurement of fibre parameters. Optical transmitters, photodetectors and receivers, modulation and multiplexing techniques, splices and connectors. Multiterminal analog and digital system analysis and design. Optical switching and amplification, integrated optics.

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Electrical Engineering 645 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.51)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Introduction to data mining and data warehousing including their principles, algorithms, implementations and applications.

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Electrical Engineering 647 H(3-1)

Analog Integrated Circuit Design

Review of static and dynamic models of bipolar and field effect transistors. Basics of analog integrated circuit design. Computer-aided modelling. Fabrication processes and their influence on analog design. Operational voltage amplifier and transconductance amplifier design techniques. Case studies of bipolar and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) designs. CMOS analog integrated circuit design project.

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Electrical Engineering 649 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.22)

Random Variables and Stochastic Processes

Axiomatic view of probability; continuous and discrete random variables; expectation; functions of random variables; conditional distributions and expectations; stochastic processes; stationarity and ergodicity; correlation and power spectrum; renewal processes and Markov chains; Markov and non-Markovian processes in continuous time.

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Electrical Engineering 651 H(3-1)

(formerly Electrical Engineering 619.04)

Resource Management for Wireless Networks

Qualitative and mathematical formulation of the resource management problem in wireless networks; elements of radio resource management: power and Walsh code allocation and control. Call admission control, traffic load control, packet scheduling; radio resource management algorithms: fixed resource allocation, handover resource management, transmitter power management, dynamic resource allocation, and packet scheduling algorithms; quality-of-service (QoS) and resource management; joint radio resource management problem across heterogeneous wireless networks; applications and case studies: resource management in third generation (3G) and beyond 3G wireless Internet Protocol (IP) networks; open research challenges in resource management for wireless networks.

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Electrical Engineering 655 H(3-1)

Discrete Time Signal Processing

Discrete-time signals and systems, discrete-time Fourier transform and Fourier series, discrete-time random signals, linear time-invariant systems. Sampling of continuous-time signals, decimation and interpolation. Fundamentals of multirate systems, special filters and filter banks. The z-transform, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems. Structures for discrete-time systems, FIR and IIR structures, finite-precision arithmetic effects. Filter design techniques. The discrete Fourier transform. Discrete Hilbert transforms.

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Electrical Engineering 659 H(3-1)

Active-RC and Switched-Capacitor Filter Design

The filter design problem; operational amplifier characteristics; cascade methods of RC-active filter design; filter design with the active biquad; active filter design based on a lossless ladder prototype. Switched-capacitor (SC) integrators; design of cascade, ladder, and multiple feedback SC filters; nonideal effects in SC filters; scaling of SC filters; topics in fabrication of SC filters.

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Electrical Engineering 671 H(3-1)

Adaptive Signal Processing

Fundamentals: Performance objectives, optimal filtering and estimation, the Wiener solution, orthogonality principle. Adaptation algorithms: MSE performance surface, gradient search methods, the Widro-Hoff LMS algorithm, convergence speed and misadjustment. Advanced techniques: recursive least-squares algorithms, gradient and least-squares multiple filter, frequency domain algorithms, adaptive pole-zero filters. Applications: system identification, channel equalization, echo cancellation, linear prediction, noise cancellation, speech.

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Electrical Engineering 673 H(3-1)

Wireless Communications Engineering

The basics of mobile radio telephone: mobile telephone frequency channels, components of mobile radio, objectives of mobile telephone systems, major problems and tools available. The mobile radio environment: fading and propagation loss, propagation loss prediction, channel and signal models, fading statistics, classification of fading channels. Methods of reducing fading effects: diversity techniques and diversity combining methods. Signaling over fading channels. Frequency reuse schemes: cellular concept, mobile radio interference, FDMA, TDMA, and spread spectrum techniques. Portable systems, air-to-ground systems, and land mobile/satellite systems, processing.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 571 or equivalent.

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Electrical Engineering 675 H(3-1)

Introduction to Digital Communications

Probability and Stochastic Processes. Elements of a digital communication system and information theory. Channel models and capacity. Representation of Bandpass signals and systems. Representation of finite energy signals by orthonormal expansions. Representation and spectral characteristics of digitally modulated signals. Characterization of the signal waveforms. Optimum demodulation for completely known signals and signals with random phase in additive Gaussian noise. Carrier and symbol synchronization.

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Electrical Engineering 677 H(3-1)

Advanced Digital Communications

Efficient signaling with coded waveforms. Linear block codes. Convolutional codes. Trellis coded modulation and Ungerboeck codes. Digital signaling over a bandwidth constrained linear filter channel. Signal design for bandlimited channels. Linear equalization. Decision feedback equalization. Maximum likelihood sequence estimation for ISI corrupted signals. Digital signaling over fading multipath channels. Binary signaling over a frequency nonselective slowly fading channel. Diversity techniques for fading multipath channels. Spread spectrum signals for digital communications. Direct sequence and frequency hopped spread spectrum signals.

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Electrical Engineering 687 H(3-1)

Switch Mode Power Converters

Design and analysis of dc-to-dc and ac-to-ac single-phase power converters. Device characteristics. Dc-to-dc topologies, dc-to-ac topologies and ac-to-ac topologies. Linearized models. Classical feedback control; introduction to state-space analysis methods. Input harmonic analysis, output harmonic analysis, and techniques to obtain unity input power factory.

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Electrical Engineering 697 H(3-1)

Digital Image Processing

Image formation and visual perceptual processing. Digital image representation. Two dimensional Fourier transform analysis. Image enhancement and restoration. Selected topics from: image reconstruction from projections; image segmentation and analysis; image coding for data compression and transmission; introduction to image understanding and computer vision. Case studies from current applications and research.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 327 or equivalent.

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Electrical Engineering 698 F(0-4)

Graduate Project

Individual project in the student's area of specialization under the guidance of the student's supervisor. A written proposal, one or more written progress reports, and a final written report are required. An oral presentation is required upon completion of the course. Open only to students in the MEng Courses Only Route.

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Electrical Engineering 699 H(3-1)

Multidimensional Signal Processing

Characterization of multidimensional (MD) signals, the MD Laplace, Fourier and Z transforms. Practical analog and digital signals and their MD energy density spectra. Aliasing, convolution, boundary conditions, causality, and stability in MD. Characterization of linear shift-invariant systems using MD transform transfer functions. State variable representations of MD systems. Elementary decompositions of MD transfer functions and bounded-input bounded-output stability. Design and implementation of MD digital filters. Applications of MD signal processing in engineering systems. Two- and three-dimensional digital signal processing in seismic, sonar, imaging and broadcast television.

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