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In the News: Springer Publications

Lightman, Naomi. “Does Care Count for Less? Tracing the Income Trajectories of Low Status Female Immigrant Workers in Canada, 1993–2015.” Canadian Studies in Population

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In the News: Routledge Handbook of Law and Society

Banerjee, Pallavi, and Pedrom Nasiri. (2021). Gender and Law Through the Lens of Land, Hunger and Terror. in Mariana Valverde (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Law and Society. London: Routledge.

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In the News: Jenny Godley, Canadian Journal of Urban Research

Lee, J. & Godley, J. Sustainable cities: Examining the relationship between neighbourhood composition and recycling patterns in Canadian cities. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 29(2): 18-31

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In the News: Matt Patterson, Taylor & Francis Group

Patterson, Matt. 2020. ”Building Citizens by Building Museums: Royal Ontario Museum & Art Gallery of Ontario.” In Georgia Lindsay (ed.) Contemporary Museum Architecture and Design: Theory and Practice of Place, pp. 155-177. New York: Routledge.

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In the News: Matt Patterson, Sage Journals

Jeong, Hyesun and Matt Patterson. 2020. “Starchitects in Bohemia: An Exploration of Cultural Cities from the ‘Top-Down’ and ‘Bottom-Up’.” Urban Affairs Review. doi:10.1177/1078087420934047

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In the News: Matt Patterson, Taylor & Francis Online

Patterson, Matt. 2020. “Revitalization, Transformation, and the ‘Bilbao Effect’: Testing the Local Area Impact of Iconic Architectural Developments in North America, 2000 to 2009.” European Planning Studies. doi:10.1080/09654313.2020.1863341

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In the News: Pedrom Nasiri, Gender & Society

Gender and Society Pedagogy Project Lesson Plan: Gender and Legal Consciousness

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In the News: Ted McCoy, Canadian Dimension

Resisting education cuts in Alberta: Drawing on recent historical examples

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In the News: Alex Bierman, Sage Journals

Chai L, Schieman S, Bierman A. Financial Strain and Psychological Distress: Do Strains in the Work-Family Interface Mediate the Effects? Society and Mental Health. August 2020.

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In the News: Alex Bierman, The Journals of Gerontology

Yeonjung Lee, PhD, Alex Bierman, PhD, Margaret Penning, PhD, Psychological Well-Being Among Informal Caregivers in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging: Why the Location of Care Matters

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