Dec. 8, 2015
Six ways to build a healthy, flourishing community
Everyone has a role in building an engaged community where everyone is able to flourish. Here are a few tips for helping optimize the mental health and wellness of our fellow students, faculty and staff on campus.
Take a minute to care
Be kind and ask how others are doing. Knowing someone cares can be uplifting and encourage those who need help to seek support. Consult with the appropriate campus or community expert if you have concerns about a loved one, friend or colleague.
Stay active
Enrol in an Active Living fitness class or activity. Practice yoga. Join a team. Eat well. Encourage your friends and loved ones to make healthy living a priority.
Educate yourself
Discover campus resources and programming to support the mental health of yourself and those around you. Attend a lunch and learn or enrol in a wellness workshop.
Give it a rest
Break up your workday with frequent breaks. Go for a stroll across campus. Get out and enjoy some fresh air. Take a few deep breaths, stretch, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Set an example
Be open and willing to talk about mental health and wellness. Share your experiences and listen to others. Talking can help reduce the stigma. Encourage others to be respectful. Create a more inclusive environment that enhances learning and work.
Looking for some advice or where to turn?
For students:
SU Wellness Centre
For faculty/staff:
Staff Wellness
LifeWorks Employee and Family Assistance Program
Read more about the Campus Mental Health Strategy.
See the Mental Health Strategy website for more resources and updates