The Canadian Economic Input-Output Model is now available online! To access the model:
- Visit
- Click on “Use the Model” tab.
- Click on “Advanced” tab.
- Under “Available Models” select “Statistics Canada 2002”. Click on “Change Model”.
- Under “Categories” select the industry group you are interested in evaluating. Click “Browse”.
- Select the industry sector you are interested in.
- Select the data source that you would like to display.
- Enter the economic activity you would like to display.
- Click on “Display Data for selected sector(s)”.
Accomplishments to Date
- Peer-reviewed paper comparing existing life cycle studies and models that assess the life cycle GHG emissions of oil sands-derived transportation fuels:
- Charpentier et al., 2009, “Understanding the Canadian oil sands industry’s greenhouse gas emissions”, Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 4, Num. 1. Available at:
- Energy futures review paper
- Canadian eiolca model (see instructions on how to access the model above)
- MIT white paper on nuclear in the oil sands
- Petrobank study (private)
- Outreach
- Initial workshop (>40 people, industry government and academia).
- Conference presentations. (InLCA special sessions, Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, ISIE conference, CIRAIG)
- Multiple industry meetings (>20).
- Meeting on LCFS with Alex Farrell and oil industry (VP’s of marketing)
- Sustained interaction with GHGenius group at NRCan
- On land use, interaction with CEMA & EUB
- Completion of an economic input-output life cycle assessment (EIO-LCA) model for the Canadian economy in the year 2002. Available online at
- Hybrid LCA case study of Petrobank Whitesands pilot project (private study).