Lisa Marie Langevin, PhD

Lisa Marie Langevin

Dr. Langevin received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Calgary and has extensive experience in clinical research and innovation, from neurodevelopmental genetics to adult acquired neural injury. Her current focus translates this unique perspective to enhancing translation across research and clinical domains, with a view toward improvement of health care delivery, efficiency and patient care across Alberta and beyond.

As Research Program Manager for the BIRCh Lab, Dr. Langevin has worked to implement strategic research programs both locally and across provincial and national partnerships, establish regulatory protocols and training, develop and maintain diverse stakeholder relationships, and support a dedicated, patient-oriented research team.

Dr. Langevin also serves as Lead Research Coordinator for the Canadian Concussion Network, a new multidisciplinary consortium aimed at advancing national research and health capacity and applying new knowledge toward health care policy development, resource allocation, and translating emerging best-practice evidence to the changing landscape surrounding concussion care delivery.