Universal Student Ratings of Instruction, ENGG349 L04, Fall 2009


1. Overall Instruction (6.07/7): one student rated "unacceptable"; no student rated either "very poor" or "poor"; 7.3% of "satisfactory"; 10.9% of "good"; 38.2% of "very good"; 41.8% of "excellent"

2-12: average 6.05/7; lowest: 5.36 for "9. Evaluation methods fair"; highest: 6.67 for "8. Students treated respectfully"

82/115 students completed the evaluations

Student Comments (copied as it is)

Please provide general comments about the course

The course is very difficult, but my lecture section has a very good professor. He is considerate and very helpful. The tips he provided on problem-solving somewhat helped me with the midterm.

Pretty tough conceptually but well taught.

The course is very difficult, but we had a great instructor, Dr. Li, who was great at teaching efficiently, in a knowledgeable manner, that made boring material interesting and fun.

Straightforward course if you stay on top of the material and do a lot of practice problems. Leping Li knew the material very well and was quite helpful.

Dr. Li was an amazing teacher. He went above and beyond any other Prof. I have had. He was always nice and able to help.

Leping Li is amazing! One thing though: when he pronounced the word rigid, it sounds like (RIGG-ID).

This course was well taught by the professor. He explained everything well.

Leping put in a lot of time and effort. It seemed he genuinely cared about the students. He taught with enthusiasm.

Leping Li was a great instructor that seemed to really care about me doing well in the class. His notes are clear and helpful.

Dr Leping Li did a very good job trying to help students succeed by going out of his way to provide an excess of office hours, an evaluation on his teaching methods (to make sure that students were happy on how he taught the course) and he provided helpful tips and problem solving guides for assignments, midterm & final.

The instructor was very knowledgeable and worked through a lot of examples. I like how he wrote on his tablet so it was projected large and easy to read.

Good use of technology in lectures: laptop tablet excellent for the large ICT theatre.

The tablet used in lectures was a brilliant idea. I find lecturers often write too small on blackboards, and the chalk is hard to read, but this solved this problem. The tablet helped with understanding the material.

Overall, did the lecturer emphasize ways of solving problems rather than just giving solutions?

Yes: 68/82 of students.

No: 8/82 of students.
6 students did not check the box.