Alberta Community Development
Historical Resources Intern Program
Alberta Culture
Study of retail activity on the Stephen Avenue Mall
Feasibility study for an Historic Area in Coleman, Alberta
Alberta Municipal Affairs
Economic development monitoring
Preparation of a course for facade improvements
Preparation of a handbook for facade improvements
Preparation of a handbook for public improvements
Development of a syllabus in planning management
Development of an urban design training program
Atmospheric Environment Service, Government of Canada
Operation of the Canadian Station for the International Daylight Measurement
Calgary Airport Authority
Bird and wildlife study
Calgary Downtown Business Revitalization Zone
Preparation of the Loft Housing Workshop Proceedings
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Spectral transmittances of window glazing samples
Canadian Community Development and Applied Research Consortium
Design of the Consortium's home
Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) and the Association of Canadian University
Planning Programs (ACUPP)
Development of a series of major case studies
These studies can be found at
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Canadian Universities Consortium Asian Institute of Technology Partnership
Program (AIT.CUC.PP)
City of Calgary Parks and Recreation Department
North Area Assessment for Calgary Parks and Recreation
Assessment of survey results
City of Calgary Planning and Building Department
Preparation and conduct of an infill/non-infill housing survey
Tourist map of downtown Calgary for the 1988 Winter Olympics
City of Calgary Transportation Department
Noise barrier impact study
Crowsnest Pass Economic Development Board
Marketplace Development Study Phases I and II
Didsbury Business Revitalization Zone
Streetscape design project
Economic Developers Association of Alberta
Retaining Your Community's Business Activities Course, offered in Red
Deer, Lethbridge, and Peace River
Economic Development Board, Town of Pincher Creek
Town of Pincher Creek Main Street Revitalization Plan
Environment Canada
Operation of the Canadian Station for the International Daylight Measurement
Program, Phase III
Fort Calgary Historical Society
Fort Calgary Demonstration Reconstruction Project
High River Economic Development Committee
An economic model for High River
An economic development plan for High River
Co-Design downtown project
Development of overall revitalization strategies for High River's commercial
Highwood Economic Development Corporation
Prepartaion of a proposal for the development of a National Historic Site
at the Bar U Ranch, High River, Alberta
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Design and delivery of EIA course to participants in Egypt
Low Cost Travel Modes Project, Ningbo, China
Jager Homes
Development of a needs/analysis/preference housing survey
Kootenay Indian Area Council
Economic Development Strategy
Martindale Community Association
Feasibility Study and Needs Preference Study
Northwest Territories Government
Training Needs Assessment
Peigan Nation, Brocket, Alberta
Keep Our Circle Strong Project
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Nine Community Economic Development training courses in five Prairie
Public Works Canada
Field Assessment of Daylighting Systems Phase I
Robert Blair
Affordable Sustainable Community Research
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary Catholic Pastoral Centre
The Lacombe Properties: A Development Strategy
Rural and Small Town Programme, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New
Development of consumer and business profile survey questions for BIA
Skypark - Base Closure Project, Chatham, New Brunswick
South Slave Research Centre, N.W.T.
South Slave Region Tourism Resources Information Demonstration Project
Summer Canada Works and the Stephen Avenue Mall Authority
A Revitalization Study of the Stephen Avenue Mall
Summer Village of Chestermere Lake
Streetscape Design Concept: An Assessment of Problems of East and West
Chestermere Drives
The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation
CLC start-up funding which included the development of the CLC Community
Information Database, the Physical Planning Manual, and a set of three briefing
Town and County of Stettler
Economic Development Strategy
Town of Edson
An Economic Development Strategy for Edson
Cultural and Recreational Master Plan
Town of Fort Macleod
Playground design
Town of Gleichen
Economic Revitalization Study
Town of Okotoks
Preparation of the interpretive strategy for the Okotoks Cultural Centre
WESTARC Group Inc., Brandon University
Impact Assessment of WESTARC Group