Links and Downloads:

The CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Network (CARMA) The CARMA Network is an organization of researchers, northern community members and managers concerned about the future of Reindeer and Caribou herds. They provide a wealth of information about these populations including interactive maps and sampling tools.

The Kutz Research Group The Kutz Research Group, led by Dr. Susan Kutz, conducts research on the impact of climate change on parasite populations of northern ungulates as well as other research projects on parasite and hosts worldwide. The Kutz Research Lab runs out of the University of Calgary, Alberta.

The musculoskeletal anatomy of reindeer, forelimb and hindlimb.
An interesting paper dealing with illustrations of reindeer musculature.

Gwich'in Language Resources
Many great resources in Gwich'in and English.

Four Units on Caribou
From the Alaska Native Knowledge Network - information about caribou anatomy, traditional uses, subsistence hunting and environmental protection.

Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, NWT The Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife is a wonderful museum showcasing Northern heritage, artifacts, including many artifacts produced from caribou, archives and a wealth of information.

Eye on the Arctic Views from up North, an impressive news website about Arctic issues.

Traditional Food Fact Sheets From the Government of the Northwest Territories, Nutritional information about Caribou as well as other wild game

TłĮcho terms for Caribou Anatomy Produced as part of a Boreal Caribou Habitat Project, see more info about this project here (Points of Land Newsletter)

Rangifer Anatomy Poster A pdf of a Rangifer Anatomy Information Poster

Rangifer Anatomy Slides A larger .pdf of a Rangifer Anatomy Information in the form of slides

Photos by Linda Lewis
Destruction Bay, Yukon

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