On December 6, 1989, 13 female engineering students and one clerical worker were gunned down at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal. The slaying prompted a group of volunteers to organize a two stage national competition for a public monument to honor all women who are victims of violence. In addition to the three projects chosen to proceed to the second stage, sixteen submissions, including two from the EVDS Architecture Programme, were chosen as a demonstration of the diversity of individual interpretation and creativity. Featuring illustrations, artists' statements and three dimensional models, the nineteen works were compiled into an exhibit which makes a powerful statement about the effects of violence against women. The exhibit was presented at the Vancouver Art Gallery, The Royal Ontario Museum, and will be displayed at the Nickel Arts Museum at the University of Calgary until December 17, 1995.

Prof Catherine Hamel's entry to "Giving Voice: The Women's Monument Exhibit"

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