Edward E. Bangs
Edward E. Bangs is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services
Gray Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the northwestern U.S. and is
stationed in Helena, Montana, USA. Ed received a B.S. degree in
game management from Utah State University in 1974. He conducted
graduate research on the impact of habitat manipulation to
increase moose browse on red-backed voles and shrew populations
on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. He received his Master of Science
degree in wildlife management from University of Nevada, Reno in
1979. From 1975 until 1988 he was a wildlife biologist on the
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Ed worked on a wide
variety of wildlife programs including wolf, lynx, brown and
black bear, wolverine, marten, coyote, moose, Dall Sheep,
mountain goats, small mammals, passerine birds, trumpeter swans,
and bald eagles research and management, reintroduction of
caribou, and land-use planning on the Kenai National Wildlife
Refuge in Alaska. He published a wide variety of articles on
issues ranging from the history of wildlife on the Kenai
Peninsula, leech parasitism of Trumpeter Swans, food habits of
Red-backed Voles, impacts of oil and gas development on and
mortality of moose, Refuge land-use planning, economic effects of
tourism, and over-exploitation of lynx.
Edward Bangs has been involved with the recovery and management
of wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming since 1988. He led a
2-year Congressionally-mandated planning effort that examined the
potential effects of wolf reintroduction in central Idaho and
Yellowstone National Park. He led the interagency program to
reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone National Park and central
Idaho. He is currently the Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the
northwestern United States and administers a complex federal,
state, tribal, and private organization program that monitors the
expanding wolf population, conducts a diverse array of non-lethal
and lethal wolf control, initiates and funds a wide variety of
research projects, and conducts an extensive information and
education program. He has published a wide variety of popular and
scientific articles dealing with various aspects of wolf ecology
and management. As part of his official duties he has had the
opportunity to examine wolf/human relationships in other parts of
the world, including Mongolia, Sweden, Japan, and consults on
wolf recovery programs in the United States. Ed has given
hundreds of public and scientific presentations on various
wildlife management issues and has received awards for public
speaking. He has received numerous other awards for his work
including; Meritorious Service Award from the U.S. Secretary of
the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Unusually
Outstanding Employee Award, Distinguished Service Award from the
Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society, and Distinguished Alumni
Award from Utah State University. His current professional
interests focus on human values in wildlife management, conflict
resolution, and restoration of ecological processes.